Anybody going Dual Core?

Rob Williams

Staff member
I have to admit I truly like Dual Core. You can literally play a game while your computer is doing something hardcore. I did a test where I was playing HL2 while a Super Pi calculation was running. I couldn't even tell that the program was running.. it was still smooth.

That's why I like Dual Core, personally.


I have to agree. Couldn't work in Aotocad while rendering in Max with the old computer and now if you get any problems you can separate processes to run each on a core. Whoa! this I like a lot!


Partition Master
I don't really have a use for one but one of those Opterons 170 would be the choice for me if I did have one.


Tech Monkey
If I ever decide to upgrade I'll go with a dual core; it just make sense. Probably an Opty :D and add on another 7800 in the process. The idea of having basically 2 computers in one is awesome. I would have went with an X2 but these Opterons are an excellent breed. For the price and performance they really are worth it.


Like many others, I'm too strapped for cash to go dual core just yet. However, during my last upgrade to an Abit 64, I made sure to get a board that would eventually support X2. So, when the prices fall down far enough, I only need to change the chip. I've already flashed my board (amazingly enough, my dual channel mem now works properly) with the latest bios that supports X2.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I will have an Opti 175 in about a month so we can see how well they stack up. The 175 is still 2.2Ghz and each core has 1MB of L2 so I am looking forward to seeing how well it can keep up with the ol' Sandy that has those same specs, minus the extra core of course.


My brother just recieved a 4400+. It took us about 3 hours to call his motherboard DOA, but we tried...Threw the 4400+ onto my DFI (the one on the chiller), and it fired right up, and on AIR as well. Got an OS installed and most of the drivers. Our first run, with the CPU and 2x7800GT's running bone stock was 95k (10.2k CPU and 17.3k GFX scores).

It will find its way onto the chiller soon enough. I should hopefully have some killer results up in a week or two.


DarkSynergy said:
I will have an Opti 175 in about a month so we can see how well they stack up. The 175 is still 2.2Ghz and each core has 1MB of L2 so I am looking forward to seeing how well it can keep up with the ol' Sandy that has those same specs, minus the extra core of course.

Are you planning on OCing the Opty in the end? That's half the advantage it has over the X2s - higher OC at lower temp.


Tech Monkey
My Opteron 165 crushes all my old single core scores. I have scored over 119K on Aquamark3 with that CPU and 2 X 6800GS's. 2.8GHz @ 1.35V for me and I will be pushing it harder. I do have a good water cooling setup so I am sure that helps, but in general the Opterons just seem to OC much easier.