Anybody going Dual Core?

Rob Williams

Staff member
And if so, what do you plan to do with it? Just curious what type of people are buying Dual Core.

I have a feeling a lot of people will buy it, not knowing what it's really for, or without knowing the lack of benefits they will get for it.


Tech Monkey
I hope to after a few months and the prices come off of their euphoric high...

64bit AND dual core... *duh-rhoooool*

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yeah, they do have a very high price point. Even still though.. I don't really see a reason to get one at this point, unless you do run a lot of multiple processes at once, or are into multi-media editing.


Tech Monkey
True dat....
by the time the games and apps are multi threaded, the duals will be much more affordable.

However, if I happen to stumble into a lump of money, there is no contest as to going single or dual... dual all the way!


Soup Nazi
I might but if I do I'm going to wait for the dually Intel mobile chips and hope they make a decent desktop board for it.

Rob Williams

Staff member
If I wasn't such an AMD junky, I'd agree. Intel's Dual Cores are much cheaper than AMD's *shrug*.


Soup Nazi
I doubt the Pentium M based duallies will be terribly cheap but they should be robust, cool and OC like crazy.


When I get the money up, I will most certainly be purchasing a 4400+. I love the chips and with 1MB L2 Cache x 2, who can argue with it? I am a computer engineering major but an taking a lot of graphics courses and while they dont exactly support dual core now, the programs that I use will in the future so I would like to have a dual core by this time next year. AMD all the way!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
When I get the money up, I will most certainly be purchasing a 4400+. I love the chips and with 1MB L2 Cache x 2, who can argue with it? I am a computer engineering major but an taking a lot of graphics courses and while they dont exactly support dual core now, the programs that I use will in the future so I would like to have a dual core by this time next year. AMD all the way!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Nice, a computer engineering major. Sounds like you know your stuff.

The only thing with me though, are that the X2's are so expensive, they cost more than twice the regular chips. So in my opinion, I'd rather have an entire second computer, than just be able to run twice the things on one PC.

If the costs go down, however, it will be a different story.

Welcome to the forums!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Thanks for the welcome! I appreciate it. I would say wait a year or so when the current prices are bound to come down. AMD has all ready announced that they will be releasing lower level duals to compete with Intel so its only a matter of time before these hot babes become main stream. Also, wait for the new XBOX and PS3 to drop. They both will support multiple threaded games so its only a matter of time for that to trickle down into the PC world. I am waiting for Rhino 3.0 to support multicores, that will make for some rendering goodness! Hot damn!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Oh heck yeah. The next year is going to be seriously busy and fun in the tech world. I really do hope they go down in price. I don't really have a need for one, but they'd be nice to have.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I am sure there is no where for them to go but down in price. Like I said, the introduction of the next gen of consoles I think will have a huge impact on the dual CPU support concerning software. I am not certain how long it will take as I am sure that it will take some time to get the game developers to even program to use the cores in the XBOX and PS3 but we need the programs no the PC and quickly. I want programs coded to optimize the dual core CPUs not some lame ass quote saying that we can now rip DVD's while we play a game.....thats bull shit. I want to see the market that will actually do both those things at once.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I hear you.

I'd love the DVD to finish ripping and give a comfirmation box. Which would boot you from your game. Go Dual Core! But yeah.. utilizing both at once would be much better.


My 3800+ X2 has been working quite nicely. I have Folding@Home running almost 24/7, music running whenever I actually am at the computer, with CS:S running, while AIM and MSN is running with me switing in and out of the game. After switching from my old single-cored PC, it's been nice that I dont' have to practically ping myself to death or get the boot from the console.
Of course, my 3800+ X2 is running at 2.4Ghz (10 x 240), so each core works quite well on their own. Hahah, can't wait until multi-threaded games come out, if ever they do, since manufacturers/producers/creators (or esp. the Management) of games have to consider the market they'll be selling it to. With many people running on single cores, it might not be nice that they'll have programs struggling to run, or otherwise have to use the lower settings for a playable FPS.

Yeah, one core of mine is pretty much dedicated to sad.


I joined the X2 club this year with the 3800+ and have to say that is a real joy to work in Autocad, 3D Max, Adobe and Corel about the same time. I have to get more memory but the budget is tight now so... Do not swear me, I am an architect and we, architects tend to get a little artistick = chaotick from time to time....


Tech Monkey
As soon as I get the extra cash I plan on a X2 or a dual Opty (165 or 170). I'm basicly waiting till the AM2's come out and the prices to drop a bit more first.


i am waiting for the prices to go down my guess it will take a year or so.
and yes i think the dualcore is real change and not just taking money for nothing and with vista coming and application\gaming beeing more multithreded then it will reveal it's true power


Hard to say the value of dual core right now.
Look at all the hype that 64 bit caused, and as yet there is very little consumer software that uses it.
Sure dual core can run 2 seperate apps, but the killerapp will be the apps that uses both cores to multi-process.