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  1. eunoia

    Top 10 Tracks Played on Spotify During 2011 Revealed

    11. K'Ronikka - Booty Wave
  2. eunoia

    Happy 2012!

    I can get on board with that goal as well, or at least its corollary: "Can't be worse than last year." :D Have a good one!
  3. eunoia

    Would it be Worth Moving to a Calendar Where Every Year Was the Same?

    It's bad enough having my birthday in November, if it was also on a Monday every year I'd shoot myself. Like the idea of a secular, more mathematical calendar but this ain't it. Just not seeing the advantages to changing. Dental appointments? Bank interest? Doesn't seem like...
  4. eunoia

    The Year in Pictures

    Some great photographs, but yeah, not so great year. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out, 2011.
  5. eunoia

    Man Sued for Retaining Former Employer's Twitter Follower List

    I more than empathize with the employer here, except for allowing any grey area to creep in here. One could easily assume that a twitterer posting under a company's name was doing so on company time. It's a good lesson for employers in these heady days of internet social marketing: make it...
  6. eunoia

    Louis C.K. Cuts Out the Middleman; Sells Latest Show for $5

    Went over a million: Nice going Louis! I'm not his biggest fan, but anything that encourages independent artists and asks people to question the implications of where they spend their money is a heroic gift to humanity.
  7. eunoia

    KitGuru - Win Gordon Moore's "Bowling" Shirt

    KitGuru - Win Gordon Moore's "Bowling" Shirt (early Jan. 2012) (Re-posted everywhere) KitGuru is hosting a contest for easily the most desirable item ever offered in a tech forum contest. Let's separate the real geeks from the tech contest bottom-feeders. Possibly the most iconic item of...
  8. eunoia Asus EAH5770 CU GPU (Dec. 31, judged tech essay, registration)

    December's Readers' Blog Theme and Prize "We have secured the prize for December's readers' blogs, this time we have something of a twsit (sic ) for you. We would like to you write an article about the most interesting thing that happened in tech in 2011. The prize for the best article will be...
  9. eunoia

    MIT Develops Camera that Can Shoot at 1 Trillion FPS

    I was! I didn't reply when I read it because I pondered: "While you read that, I am going to go off and wonder what I've ever created that was so great." An my Monday answer: "I made an origami duck, well, sorta looks like a chicken-duck."
  10. eunoia

    Indonesian punks captured to be rehabilitated As for Canada, I don't think "At least we're not Indonesia!" is what we should be shooting for.
  11. eunoia

    Healthiest and unhealthiest restaurants in the US

    +1 Jeebus, don't believe everything you read on the interwebs. It's technically possible to have something reasonably safe at Subway, but nobody ever does, like a veggie sandwich with no salt, butter or mayo. "Healthy" is part of their marketing plan, but let's get serious, it's a way to sell...
  12. eunoia

    Louis C.K. Cuts Out the Middleman; Sells Latest Show for $5

    He feels he did pretty well:
  13. eunoia

    EA Marks Down Nearly Entire Origin Catalogue for Black Friday

    Kinda stopped asking "Is this for real?" as regards EA, but something else EA will have to back off from, and a pattern for their corporate mindset is coalescing: EA Is Criminally Insane
  14. eunoia

    Asetek Announces Availability and Preorder Dates for 240mm Super Cooler

    That's fair, but what's the point in working with Asetek at all? Is this Intel's revenge on all the companies that made the products that let us overclock their $300 CPUs way, way past their $1000 CPUs? NZXT could have made these with just as many blue lights, and now everyone thinks Asetek...
  15. eunoia

    Just a "hello"

    Welcome to Techgage! Sometimes the answers aren't immediately forthcoming here, but stick around and you'll find they're often better thought out. :D ...and you'll find good questions often beget more questions, and there can exist healthy difference of opinion too: My guess is that you...
  16. eunoia

    Asetek Announces Availability and Preorder Dates for 240mm Super Cooler

    Reviews of Intel’s RTS2011LC made by Asetek are starting to appear, and it's quite decidedly NOT the product being discussed here. The first clue is the glowing blue Intel logo, and the death blow is any performance comparison against top air, or even any decent air cooler. To get back their...
  17. eunoia

    Press Inequities: Zeus is the Linux of Malware

    Give Ars credit for knowing their readership. For a more mainstream audience the association would be unconscionable, but after taking time to digest the numerous comments, it's rather comical.
  18. eunoia

    EA Marks Down Nearly Entire Origin Catalogue for Black Friday

    Good to know, that was ridiculous. Are the people who paid $59.99 for BF3 pissed it's half-price a month after release?
  19. eunoia

    EA Marks Down Nearly Entire Origin Catalogue for Black Friday

    Has ORIGIN changed their EULA from the one that basically says "we can come to your house and sodomize your sister" that was going around during BF3 Beta?
  20. eunoia

    Gary Speed dead...

    Pretty shocking, guy seemed to have everything going for him. Those demons can get anyone. R.I.P.