Search results

  1. eunoia

    An EA Origin EULA I can finally agree to...

    White text on white background. I got to the part about shedding my children's blood to honour Ba‘al Zebûb and quit. I don't want to play Battlefield that badly.
  2. eunoia

    EVGA 3D Eclipse Giveaway Ends Nov. 14

    See? Now that's a slogan!
  3. eunoia

    Origin Does Panicky About-Face

    O.K. I'm exaggerating a bit for effect, but Battlefield 3 at $19.99 is pretty much the definition of: "Obviously they think it's the right thing to do after a certain amount of time. I just think it cheapens your intellectual property." Hypocrite. Too bad it's not available on Steam...
  4. eunoia

    Origin Does Panicky About-Face

    Last summer's attempt to coerce Steam into forming an illegal combine and fix prices for games failed so it seems if you can't beat 'em, (try to) join 'em: You can read about Origin's radical new...
  5. eunoia

    EVGA 3D Eclipse Giveaway Ends Nov. 14

    Winner didn't describe the video at all, just ridiculously trite. KitGuru slogan contests were judged the same way when they used to have them. Next time there's a slogan contest I'm going with "Nice hardware for personal computers"
  6. eunoia

    EVGA 3D Eclipse Giveaway Ends Nov. 14

    Come up with a 5 word slogan to describe the video, and the extreme dedication EVGA has to the overclocking community! Try not to overuse the words "jizz" and "pants". Once again, EVGA isn't messing around with prizes either:
  7. eunoia

    Lian Li PC-7H Worldwide Modding Contest

    What's this? An online computer community I'm not a member of? "Please note - you must purchase a paid subscription to become a registered member of this community." Oh. I remember now.
  8. eunoia

    Clicky Clicky
  9. eunoia

    Wipeout - Where Have You Been All My Life?

    The meta- voiceovers in Spike's MXC were genius. I didn't think the format could be dumbed down, but I stand corrected.
  10. eunoia

    Poor? Don't smoke or drink - and work harder

    I don't care how much money she has, she should eat less. A LOT less.
  11. eunoia

    Braun vs. Apple

    That's how you get to be CEO these days! :D Speaking of lawsuits, I posted this on Reddit and it went nowhere:
  12. eunoia

    Win a custom Corsair Gaming PC Facebook ends Sept. 7 (Referral, or go directly to Corsair's FB page) Win a custom Corsair Gaming PC worth over $2000: *Corsair Vengeance C70 Case *Corsair AX1200i PSU *Corsair Hydro Series H100 *8B of Dominator Platinum DDR3 *Corsair Force 3 240GB SSD *Corsair Vengeance K90...
  13. eunoia

    Shouldn't We Embrace the Remix?

    Like most TED talks, its vastly oversimplified for an audience that's not known for generating new ideas. In reality, you can't really compare artistic ideas and the degree to which they're "borrowed" that broadly with ideas that "advance the useful arts". The situation with Apple is...
  14. eunoia

    GOTD Aug. 15 2012 ONLY! WinUtilities Pro v10.53 FREE

    Kinda embarrassed 'cause I spammed this everywhere, but neither this one or the freeware version is playing nice with my computer. CCleaner is still tops, I guess!
  15. eunoia

    GOTD Aug. 15 2012 ONLY! WinUtilities Pro v10.53 FREE Every once in a while there's a software gem posted at Giveaway Of The Day, well this is one of those times, grab it!
  16. eunoia

    Borderlands Buster - i5 Mid-Range Build Log

    Nice benchmarks! This is giving me the itch....
  17. eunoia

    DiRT Showdown Review - Destruction Derby Meets DiRT

    "Then your imagination has a lot of work ahead of it." My imagination works a lot harder trying to find reasons to give a **** for pre-scripted Ubisoft characters...
  18. eunoia

    4X Amplification - The Endless Space Review

    Space games are awesome since at least Williams Defender Stargate! I thought I was a gamer, until I saw how many games are in your Steam account :eek: Newfound respect for any opinions you might have on games and gaming!
  19. eunoia

    EVGA 13th anniversary contest

    EVGA Scavenger Hunt 2012 This is the big one, 7 full gaming rigs, tons of hardware, and some other prizes I forget. ;) Ribbons are hidden all over EVGA site, but links invariably end up getting posted in contest and harware forums every year, leading to...
  20. eunoia

    Borderlands Buster - i5 Mid-Range Build Log

    How about a screencap of a 3Dmark11 run or CPU-Z at stock? Throw us a bone here!