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  1. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    Bwahahaha! I was out at EB Games at 9am on the dot and there were already 12 people in front of me. Within 5 minutes there were 6 more behind me. I overheard the guy at the counter tell some schmuck console gamer that something happened and they don't have enough Premier keys! When I got to...
  2. Optix

    In The Lab: Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E. 7 Keyboard - It's Not a Cyborg

    I see catarl, and pig up, but I don't see the any key.
  3. Optix

    In The Lab: Mad Catz S.T.R.I.K.E. 7 Keyboard - It's Not a Cyborg

    Which button launches the tactical nuclear warheads?
  4. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    I saw the live-action trailer a few times on TV. My wife said that my eyes get big when it comes on.
  5. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    Kind of like wave after wave of enemies that could spawn good stuff that you can bring into the main game. There's very little info that I could find quickly and I haven't really checked into it because I want to be surprised. To be honest I haven't really read into much of anything with the...
  6. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    Did Steam pony up the Creature Slaughter Dome as a bonus or is it strictly the Premier Club stuff still?
  7. Optix

    New Hardware!

    I was thinking about how much common sense is involved in Weight Watchers. Portion control and fuck off with the snacking. If you have to eat something, grab some fruit or something. It's just so easy to grab some cookies... Gonna have to start a sub-site called Healthgage.
  8. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    Moar phat l00tz for me then. It's really up to the individual store I guess. If they feel there's enough of a demand and they want to play an employee to stick around until 1 or 2 then they can. Sadly Saint John wouldn't a good game if it show them in the face with a bazillion guns.
  9. Optix

    New Hardware!

    Hey, it may not be your target, but if you're over and can get down to it there's certainly no harm in that. I just finished my first "routine" which is going to go for 12 weeks (34 runs total) assuming the snow stays away. There was 5 minutes in the blue zone (low speed), 5 minutes in the...
  10. Optix

    New Hardware!

    So, two weeks into running and week into doing Weight Watchers with my wife and I'm down 4lbs. It's amazing how much I used to snack. If I were cutting up some cheese to use in a recipe I'd cut off a chunk for myself to nibble on. It's certainly an adjustment. Having to keep your head on...
  11. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    Happy Borderlands 2 Eve! Sadly, my local EB Games isn't having a midnight launch. The one about an hour and a half away is, but not mine. They are opening an hour early tomorrow, so I can see myself dropped off my boy and heading straight there.
  12. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    Jamie's review: Leave me alone, I just dinged! Greg's review: Gud. *bang, bang, bang!* Ryan's review: Can't sleep. Must play... Gold! GOLD!
  13. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    Content output is going to grind to a hault...I mean, we're going to review the game. All of us.
  14. Optix

    ROCCAT Kone[+] Gaming Mouse & Isku Gaming Keyboard Review

    Give that man a cookie! I will never understand for the life of me why companies insist on putting a sticker around sensor. Cloth pad + sticky/rough edges of the sticker = fibres that build up. It was so minute that I didn't see it until I put the mouse under bright light.
  15. Optix

    Borderlands 2 Golden Key Details Emerge

    Oooh, gonna have to wait until the cap. The only problem with that is when the next DLC comes out, will they raise the cap making it a pointless carrot on a stick because the normal weapons now available at a higher level will eclipse it?
  16. Optix

    Nintendo Wii U Launches on November 18, Costs $299.99 for 'Basic' Model

    Hey ET3D, it's been a while. I'm still curious to see what Nintendo can pull off with this system, however it's still Microsoft that will have the best system in my opinion. I'll likely pass over the Wii U for the 720 so I (sorry, so my wife) can get serious games. Enough of the happy fluff...
  17. Optix

    ROCCAT Kone[+] Gaming Mouse & Isku Gaming Keyboard Review

    Yep. By comparison, my Sentinel mouse has lasted several years and has been put through more than the Kone+. We're talking pre-parenthood gaming marathons. ;)
  18. Optix

    ROCCAT Kone[+] Gaming Mouse & Isku Gaming Keyboard Review

    I've been using the Kone+ and Isku since reviewing it since I wanted to see how they both stand up to typical surfing and gaming. Sadly the Kone+ has started to act up. As I move from right to left the cursor hangs up...badly. I've reinstalled the driver and tried a few other little tricks...
  19. Optix

    The *Official* I'm Pumped For Borderlands 2 Thread AKA Here's My Wallet, Randy!

    You can still get into the Slaughter Dome, Kayden. It'll put you up a few levels, but keep you out of the main storyline (I think).