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  1. CaptainFluffy

    Apple's iPhone 4 Enjoys Great Reception, Suffers Bad Reception

    Sometimes I really hate Apple. Also:
  2. CaptainFluffy

    All pop songs are 4 chords?

    As a student studying to be a music major I find this absolutely hilarious. Now if I ever start writing music I know how to write it. ;) Edit: also that reminded me of this video: As far as my music knowledge goes I think it's the same four chords.
  3. CaptainFluffy

    Legal DVD's vs. Pirated DVD's Apparently there's an easy way to skip these.
  4. CaptainFluffy

    Legal DVD's vs. Pirated DVD's

    I've seen it posted on 4cahn a few times. I wouldn't be surprised if that's where it came from. I think there's one similar to it only it relates to video games but I don't have it. :(
  5. CaptainFluffy

    Become a Fan

  6. CaptainFluffy

    Crysis "Xtreme" Particle Chaos Mod Ups the Physics

    Brb re-installing Crysis.
  7. CaptainFluffy

    Are Consoles Killing PC Gaming?

    As long as companies like Valve continue to treat the PC community well and not like complete idiots (*cough* Infinity Ward and Activision *cough*) then PC gaming isn't going anywhere. Plus Steam is going to OSX which can't be that bad. And mouse > joystick. I really wanted that game but...