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  1. DarkStarr

    Apple receives yet another broad patent

    In theory but who cares PATENT IT ALL!!!! :cool:
  2. DarkStarr

    Apple receives yet another broad patent

    Quick! lets go patent all other shapes in relation to laptops so they have to license it from us! lol
  3. DarkStarr

    Verizon to Soon Offer 300Mbit/s Internet Service

    I doubt it since its supposed to be competitive to what you paying meaning consumer level, so at most ~$100 a month, since the entire point of it is to increase the spread of high speed connections and force ISPs to increase speeds at the same prices.
  4. DarkStarr

    Verizon to Soon Offer 300Mbit/s Internet Service

    Yea so? Google is doing this: And in my city no less :D
  5. DarkStarr

    hicookie First to Reach 7GHz on a Core i7-3770K

    yea typically it isn't repeatable till another set of cherry chips are chosen and clocked. Your average person wont get a cherry chip, more than likely EVER. They may get a good one sure but cherry I doubt it.
  6. DarkStarr

    hicookie First to Reach 7GHz on a Core i7-3770K

    Yes, using cherry picked components, and who knows what else. Point is records are just that records of the BEST run using the best chip they can get. Anyways, were all cores on? And ffs? a whole tray of 3770s, isn't that like 100 chips?
  7. DarkStarr

    ASUS smears GIGABYTE?

    But who cares? There are lemon cars (sometimes even an entire series of cars but the rest are fine) so why wouldn't there be lemon mobos, phones, GPUs etc etc etc. Anyways I will likely always like ASUS over Gigabyte due to the bios implementation and the fact that IMO Asus boards seem to have...
  8. DarkStarr

    Sapphire - Win A Compter That's So Messed Up I Won't Even Enter

    Ill take it lol, then Ill have a CPU for my P8P67 PRO and a GPU to replace the 480 that was supposed to go into it. Which would mean..... I get to keep my 480s in SLI lol then the SSD would replace the M4 and the M4 would go into the other build. PSU, Chassis, Ram and board would get sold or...
  9. DarkStarr

    Why Are Hard Drives Still So Expensive?

    Price fixing FTW! (Also, I need like.... hmmm 2 or 3 3 tb drives, Ill be set then (got half of my current 3tb (3x1tb) filled))
  10. DarkStarr

    Isn't it About Time We Move to 48 FPS+ Video?

    forget 48 go for 72 :D or 60......
  11. DarkStarr

    Are you looking forward to Windows 8?

    Meh, 8 sucks. Metro is baked in to the explorer ui. Its a tablet os but they said, wait! Can we slap this onto desktops too? So someone said, HELL YES, just a few mods to make it half usable and there, windows 8 the best os EVAR!!!111!!!!111!11!11!1!!! Also, anything that can be done on 8 can...
  12. DarkStarr

    Portal 2 Gets 'Perpetual Testing Initiative' DLC; Goes on Sale for $6.79

    It needs more multiplayer. Be it through the PTI and making it so multiplayer chambers can be larger and more difficult or through other DLC it needs to happen. Anyways, I got the double pack and made a test chamber, just a simple one so far.
  13. DarkStarr

    Portal 2 for $7!

    Yes!!! I shall buy this now, well maybe the 2 pack actually.... herrrmmm
  14. DarkStarr

    Who here uses game emulators?

    I lost my copy of C&C RA2 I had it all setup and everything but somewhere, somewhen it got lost (or deleted or something) Anyways I do some gameboy emus and I tried a few NES and stuff but the PS2 emus are fairly good, played kingdom hearts and some FF10 on it with no real glitches. Haven't...
  15. DarkStarr

    Windows Update

    Reformat. It isn't going to get fixed if all the steps you have taken have done nothing to fix it.
  16. DarkStarr

    Having an issue with NAT

    ROFLMAO nice..... my windows firewall is always on and I never have an issue. Looks like something changed a setting it shouldn't have. Also, don't get me started on how horrible it is to change stuff with the windows firewall, such a huge pain and your never quite sure if it worked or not.
  17. DarkStarr

    Having an issue with NAT

    it means VM ware screwed the network adapter lol Well, in that case I would take a look at the real adapters settings make sure its all on auto (unless its not supposed to be) but anyways VM stuff can be a massive PITA due to the damage it can do. I have seen windows installs hosed by some...
  18. DarkStarr

    1366x768 Surpasses 1024x768 As Most-Used Resolution on Web

    1366x768 is now the common resolution for 15" laptops. Hence the increases.
  19. DarkStarr

    EVGA Revamps its Lifetime Warranty Policy

    I should have sent my 275 in :D gotten a upgrade lol
  20. DarkStarr

    4.7Ghz there is some hope after all.

    Nice, I have been running my 2600k @ 4.8 since release (well almost) but I think I ought to look into an updated bios, maybe improve some stuff or lower vcore needed. Who knows?