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  1. OriginalJoeCool

    Piracy to Blame for Falling Music Sales? I Don't Think So

    I often download books to check them out, and then buy them if I like them. Technical books are very expensive - $40 - $60. Sometimes they aren't even worth the time of day. Take this book for instance...
  2. OriginalJoeCool

    Piracy to Blame for Falling Music Sales? I Don't Think So

    Ooh, do tell ... Techgage should have more smilies. I wanted to put a wide-eyed but not totally freaked-out :eek: face here. :p
  3. OriginalJoeCool

    Piracy to Blame for Falling Music Sales? I Don't Think So

    Survival of the fittest, yo. Coporate darwinism? Also, wasn't the UK going to implement some kind of three-strikes law whereby you would lose your internet connection if caught pirating three times?
  4. OriginalJoeCool

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - First Impressions

    MMO's are so addictive. They may be the most addictive games. One could probably waste one's whole life inside a virtual world.
  5. OriginalJoeCool

    Cooler Master Releases 'Ultra Tower' Cosmos II

    Really nice. Is it really worth the price?
  6. OriginalJoeCool

    Gentoo Linux 12.0 Live DVD Released

    Apparently Linus uses Xfce now.
  7. OriginalJoeCool

    Microsoft Celebrates IE6 Dipping Below 1% Usage in US

    What? Canada still 1.4%. Jeez.
  8. OriginalJoeCool

    Gentoo Linux 12.0 Live DVD Released

    That Black Panther OS looks pretty cool. I'm not that into KDE, though. I prefer a more minimal windowing environment. Ever seen awesome/?
  9. OriginalJoeCool

    Happy 2012!

    The Mayans never, to my knowledge, actually predicted 2012 as being the end of the world.
  10. OriginalJoeCool

    Happy 2012!

    I have the same problem, Doomsday. And I started 2012 with pumpkin pie and ice cream. Oops.
  11. OriginalJoeCool

    Would it be Worth Moving to a Calendar Where Every Year Was the Same?

    If I wanted to look nuts, I could just start using the Holocene calendar on my own. XXXX xx, 12012 HE.
  12. OriginalJoeCool

    Happy 2012!

    I will join in that goal!
  13. OriginalJoeCool

    Microsoft vs. Google: Which Won the Search Game in 2011?

    I used to use Yahoo. Before that ... AltaVista, Excite, and a bunch like that. I remember using Netscape! The Internet was a different place in the early 90's.
  14. OriginalJoeCool

    Microsoft vs. Google: Which Won the Search Game in 2011?

    Eventually, Google will have nowhere to go but down. Same for Microsoft. That is, if our governments will let them die. Stop worshipping monopoly capitalism. I still use Google myself because, as some of you said, it's so convenient. As long as that's the case, it'll stay at the top. If...
  15. OriginalJoeCool

    Would it be Worth Moving to a Calendar Where Every Year Was the Same?

    We're supposed to be secular, so a non-religious calendar would be nice. Undoubtedly there would be the people that would say God will "get mad" and send more earthquakes and tsunamis.
  16. OriginalJoeCool

    Would it be Worth Moving to a Calendar Where Every Year Was the Same?

    Yeah, those 10,000 years sure flew by, didn't they?
  17. OriginalJoeCool

    Go Daddy Removed from SOPA Supporters List - But is it Too Late?

    This is sort of like when that Fox news pundit apologized after insulting the Canadian military. You could tell he didn't mean it.
  18. OriginalJoeCool

    Would it be Worth Moving to a Calendar Where Every Year Was the Same?

    I'm quite fond of the Holocene calendar (Human Era). Whether you're Christian or not, doesn't using a calendar based on the birth date of Jesus Christ (an incorrect birth date, according to more modern research) seem a bit "outdated" to you?
  19. OriginalJoeCool

    Cheating in Online Games 'Spreads Like Infections'

    There are definitely a lot of cheaters in any online game. There doesn't seem to be anything that can be done.