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  1. Tharic-Nar

    Over buffered networks can lead to high latencies

    Ordinarily, I'd write this up as news, but it be a tad over my head, still interesting none the less. In a nutshell, the large buffers on home routers and switches can cause high...
  2. Tharic-Nar

    Razer Switchblade Mobile Gaming Concept PC

    Portable gaming is not a new idea and one that Nintendo, Sony and to a lesser extent Sega have all found success with. Razer hopes to cash in on the mobile gaming market but in a different way, and is set to break the mould with a truly innovative product that it unveiled early for this year's...
  3. Tharic-Nar

    PC Gamers Crush Console Gamers in BF2: Vietnam Competition

    If there's a debate I love to get involved in, it's the PC vs. Console FPS gamers one. As a devout PC gamer, I've come to prefer a mouse + keyboard configuration much more than the gamepad solution that console gamers have become accustomed. I've tried to get used to a gamepad, but I can't...
  4. Tharic-Nar

    Samsung Develops the First 30nm DDR4 DRAM

    Fluff.... but it's nice to know the stuff works... motherboard permitting... As for 3GHz+ frequencies... nothing new... Rambus can do 8GHz with its XDR2 RAM, but no one uses it... why? because the IP owners are Patent Trolls... The PS3 probably costs a fortune because of that patent on the XDR...
  5. Tharic-Nar

    Humour is Required

    Tonight's Weather.... Dark Oh... brilliant, lol.
  6. Tharic-Nar

    Humour is Required

    *Sigh*... blocked by the mighty (pain in the ass) Vevo... Time for some George Carlin... <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen"...
  7. Tharic-Nar

    Humour is Required

    We all have like a bazillion humerus videos as fav links and downloads... so it's time to share them. Well what are are you waiting for? Start posting!! Oh that's right... ball rolling and all that... <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie"...
  8. Tharic-Nar

    Samsung Develops the First 30nm DDR4 DRAM

    Samsung, the number 2 sales leader of semiconductors in the world from 2002 to 2009 (excluding foundries), has always been at the forefront of the DRAM market, and it's starting off 2011 in a big way. In a press release, it announced that it had completed development of its first DDR4 DRAM based...
  9. Tharic-Nar

    ASRock Transformer - More Than Meets The Eye?

    Not one to shy away from combining the best of both worlds, ASRock is at it again striking a blow for budget conscious users everywhere! Some of you may remember its earlier LGA775 offerings which combined AGP and PCI-E slots, along with the ability to use DDR2 or DDR3 memory on the same...
  10. Tharic-Nar

    Using Google DNS Can Slow iTunes Downloads

    Utilizing a reliable DNS (domain name server) is important, because it can result in either great speeds on the Internet, or speeds that bring us back to the modem age. For this reason, a lot of people decide to opt out of the DNS their ISP offers, and instead adopt the one that Google provides...
  11. Tharic-Nar

    Sloppy Math CPU to Save Video Encoding?

    Maths, easy for some, hard for others. For CPUs, it's their bread and butter, what they are meant to do and how they earn their living... if they were alive of course. But sometimes, you don't need to calculate the square root of 2,376,147 to within 3 million decimal places. Sometimes you don't...
  12. Tharic-Nar

    Technology - Then and Now

    There was a mass of images to go with this, but had to make do with one. Steampunk eat-your-heart out with some... pneumatic disc heads and latches... high speed metal discs, lots of pipes...
  13. Tharic-Nar

    MSI at CES 2011

    You wouldn't say no to 4x GPUs and 4x PCIe SSDs... like from Fusion IO... Actually, I would say no if I was given the bill after...
  14. Tharic-Nar

    Nintendo Warns of 3DS Use for Children Under 6

    Curse my fanaticism... For those that don't quite get it.... Ghost in the Shell... although the poster itself is about something else entirely.
  15. Tharic-Nar

    Nintendo Warns of 3DS Use for Children Under 6

    This is why companies are introducing variable 3D effects, so you have the option to turn it off if you wish. I believe the 3DS has this slider available that allows you to control the depth of the 3D effect. There is also research about the various effects used, like objects flying towards you...
  16. Tharic-Nar

    MSI at CES 2011

    Speak for yourself, I want 3 :p - though maybe a Z67 version...
  17. Tharic-Nar

    Nintendo Warns of 3DS Use for Children Under 6

    As evidenced throughout 2010, "3D" is a rather big thing. Countless Hollywood productions featured 3D versions, and the same can be said for PC and console games. In talking to many people about it over the past year, many of them seem to enjoy the 3D aspect, and would easily prefer 3D over...
  18. Tharic-Nar

    Technology - Then and Now

    Computers are found in more homes and businesses than ever before and have become such a large part of daily life that they are often forgotten about until they become unavailable. I personally like to refer to this as the golden age of computing, simply because of the level of accessibility...
  19. Tharic-Nar

    2010- Most Pirated Games

    Yeah... it's still full price even now, while other titles would have cut their price by at least 30% by now... it really is the epitome of a Cash Cow... worst still, people are still buying it, even at full price. Steam must of really haggled to get that 10% off during the sale...
  20. Tharic-Nar

    2010- Most Pirated Games

    We all know it happens and some of us are even guilty of it, but have you ever wondered just how many times a game is illegally downloaded? 2010 wraps up with Black Ops (PC) leading the way followed by Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) and Dante's Inferno (XBox 360) as the front runners for each...