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  1. Tharic-Nar

    What's Stopping You From Purchasing an SSD?

    Word of wisdom, don't use RAID as a boot device... really, it's not worth it. First, there is no real increase in speed with RAIDing hard drives except for streaming data, the OS and apps will load just as slowly as a normal HDD (since access time is the bottleneck). If it's as a RAID 1, you...
  2. Tharic-Nar

    Latest Humble Bundle Launches with Android Support

    I think the lack of iOS support is due to a license clash, since the App Store does not allow any kind of Open Source Software; in order to distribute software, they use a DRM wrapper, which they will not disclose the details of (for obvious reasons) and thus not compatible with GPL, etc. Or...
  3. Tharic-Nar

    The Internet Stratification: Tales of an Unequal Web

    Better compression, webpage graphics, etc, are often at the back of a web-dev's mind, more concerned with getting the job done and not slamming the server. Now it feels like how many services, flash apps and applets a site can cram on the front page... Even on a fast connection, some sites are...
  4. Tharic-Nar

    Writing a Book? Reasons Why You Should Self-Publish

    Got to admit, was a useful read - not that I have a book to publish, although my random and nonsensical thoughts are a dime a dozen... so maybe there's my niche. So who wants to hear about the hamster, the bishop and the convertible? - rhetorical
  5. Tharic-Nar

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - First Impressions

    For shame... Level 50 Trooper Commando, Gunnery DPS Level 44 Imperial Sniper, Marksman DPS Level 1-20 Miscilaneous characters of various factions and classes. Started doing Operations with my Trooper, as well as the odd Hard mode flashpoint. Maxed Cybertech, Scavenging and Underworld. Have all...
  6. Tharic-Nar

    Star Wars: The Old Republic - First Impressions

    I ain't going to say what level I am... or more accurately, how many characters... tis a sad, sad truth... which will be revealed eventually!
  7. Tharic-Nar

    Apple Posts Best-Ever Quarter; $46.3B in Revenue

    Apple will likely continue to grow, allbeit at a reduced rate, for at least the next three years, since it will still have product designs stretching out that far. It's at the 5 year mark when we'll see if it was 'all Jobs' or not and whether the company can continue on its innovation warpath...
  8. Tharic-Nar

    CM Storm QuickFire Rapid Gaming Keyboard Review

    No numpad is a deal breaker for me too. After using the SHIFT for a while, you really notice the lack of a numpad... Still, nothing stopping us from getting a dedicated USB numpad.
  9. Tharic-Nar

    Blizzard Skipping a Year for BlizzCon; Next Event to be Held in 2013

    I don't buy it, the real reason is because they need to get the games out before the end of the world.
  10. Tharic-Nar

    Get your phasers out nerds. Star Trek Online went free to play!

    What is this MB/s you speak of, I get 440KB/s on a GOOD day... and by day i mean 3 in the morning on a weekend. And you moaning about a 250GB datacap? HAH to you i say, try 60GB. And no, I don't get a choice, like it or lump it on ADSL, screw your DSL, ours is A grade DSL... I don't need more...
  11. Tharic-Nar

    The Credit Card That Aims To End Fraud

    Looks like and extended RSA key system... all a hacker needs to get hold of is the master code, and poof, millions of credit card numbers instantly generated as and when they're needed. Yes, I'm over simplifying things, but the threat remains the same. I've yet to see a digital payment system...
  12. Tharic-Nar

    Why FPS fails

    As someone who has 2x AMD HD 5870s, microstutter is very perceptible in unoptimised conditions (new game/bad drivers). It will make 40-60 FPS look like 20 since the stutter is often regular. When the frame rate goes up much higher, it is less perceptible, but still a nuisance. With...
  13. Tharic-Nar

    Time is Running Out Fast to Speak Out Against SOPA

    Unless the website has a .com TLD, which the US own; in which case, the website in question would go dead worldwide until they got a new domain, regardless of where the site is hosted... Remember those wonderful takedown notices?
  14. Tharic-Nar

    Time is Running Out Fast to Speak Out Against SOPA is completely normal, I guess they're leaving other countries out of it (which is odd considering it won't be just US sites affected, though admittedly, nothing we can do here).
  15. Tharic-Nar

    How To: Recording game video without VOIP (Teamspeak) in sound recording.

    Have you experimented with a virtual soundcard at all? I'm not entirely sure it can do all of the above but they do have neat tricks up their sleeve. Typically, they can combine all audio sources into 1, use any media source as an input device (e.g. play music over skype or TS as a mic source)...
  16. Tharic-Nar

    Piracy to Blame for Falling Music Sales? I Don't Think So

    There are problems with digital costs too, they should be WAY cheaper than retail, but due to trade agreements, they are not. Then there is this thing called the internet, self hosting, blogging and social media in which bands can promote and even publish themselves - sure, it won't hit the...
  17. Tharic-Nar

    Piracy to Blame for Falling Music Sales? I Don't Think So

    The Digital Economy Bill? Not quite - it's a little more complex than just a straight up 3 strikes and you're disconnected. If your IP is flagged for infringement 3 times within a year, your details are passed on to the copyright holder, whereupon they can file for action against you, but it is...
  18. Tharic-Nar

    Happy 2012!

    Yes, my resolution is to laugh oh so very hard in december when the world 'ends'. Then I can have three posters on my wall... "I Survived the Millennium Bug!" "I Survived Rapture!" "I Survived 2012!"
  19. Tharic-Nar

    Would it be Worth Moving to a Calendar Where Every Year Was the Same?

    Let's face it; the Gregorian calendar can be a pain at times. Sure, it works, but isn't it just a little tedious to never know what weekday a certain holiday or your birthday is going to land on next year? Or the year after? Wouldn't it be great if each calendar year was identical, so that you'd...
  20. Tharic-Nar

    6.8 Million Android and iOS Devices Activated on Christmas

    The holidays are meant to be a time for relaxing and enjoying family and life, but for the Android and iOS activation servers, it was the busiest time of their lives. Mobile apps research firm Flurry estimates that a combined 6.8 million Android and iOS-based devices were activated on Christmas...