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  1. Jen McPherson

    So I started playing this game called Warcraft..

    The only two mmo's out there that have managed to make me come back time and time again are Dark Age of Camelot and Asheron's Call. I love AC because it was my first experience in the mmo environment, and it was just a great deal fun exploring such a vast landscape, doing things with friends...
  2. Jen McPherson

    You are a Pirate!

    Haha, the song is from a kids show, but the animation thankfully is not. ;) Someone animated that short using the song from Lazy Town, and made it not so kid friendly. XD
  3. Jen McPherson


    Welcome to the forums! :D
  4. Jen McPherson

    Few PSP questions

    I own one and I'd have to say they are really fun. If you enjoy a NDS, then I'm sure you'd like one of these just as well. And it has Dynasty Warriors! XD I was playing that in the hospital waiting room, and had several people ask me about the system. My only complaint is the placement of...
  5. Jen McPherson

    Uh Oh!

  6. Jen McPherson

    You are a Pirate!

    Haha, yeah I watch it with my kids too. :) My brother showed me that animation and I was like... that song is from Lazy Town! XD
  7. Jen McPherson

    You are a Pirate!

    Just watch it, you'll get a good laugh. ^^ The song is actually from a kids show called Lazy Town. The artist is Fred Perry of the Gold Digger series. Enjoy ;)!_full%5b1%5d.swf
  8. Jen McPherson


    I live about 45 minutes north of the city Grand Rapids, in a small town called Howard City. We have a lot of hills out here, and I was really disapointed all the snow vanished on us this past week. I like the snow. ^^ Don't ski though, I'd likely crash and break multiple bones. XD
  9. Jen McPherson


    XD We did have snow up until Sunday, then it warmed up, rained and has been raining since. :\ Suppose to be in the 40's all week. I'd rather have the snow, honestly. Looks nicer with the naked trees. ^^
  10. Jen McPherson

    Might just be the best video ever

    lmao, that's so funny :D Lets make this the official video thread!! XD This is so off that subject, but I thought this video was hillarious :D
  11. Jen McPherson

    Logitech Z-4 2.1 Speakers

    Thank you Liz! And yes for the price these speakers are great. They will certainly look really sweet going with your pc, instead of those old beige things ;) Super easy setup, great sound, I know you'll enjoy them! And I certainly know credit card abuse... I'll be abusing it again soon when I...
  12. Jen McPherson

    Hehe... Weird Al XD

    Indeed, that one was great :D I liked his ebay song too, it was great. ^^
  13. Jen McPherson

    Hehe... Weird Al XD

    Sorry, have to share this. Yes... its funny. Enjoy. ^^
  14. Jen McPherson

    Wii are to have fun on Nov 19

    Wii browser free for now: Well I didn't expect it to be free forever, that would be too good to be true. :) I'm still getting me one! XD
  15. Jen McPherson

    Square Enix wants a three-way race

    Article located here: Sounds interesting, though PS3 is getting quite the boost with the FF titles. Of course I'm actually liking the titles for the Wii better. So who knows. Kingdom Hearts will be a tough one, as I'm sure Sony will be putting a...
  16. Jen McPherson

    Video Card Help

    Got it working now, thank you all for your help! ^^
  17. Jen McPherson

    Video Card Help

    He moved his sound card to slot two, but he still has the same error. He removed the card and still same problem. His system runs on 2k, but he tried it on xp too with his second hard drive. Same problem. :( I have no idea how else to fix it, as he's done driver installation. These are some...
  18. Jen McPherson

    Video Card Help

    Ok, my brother just got a new video card for his birthday. Its a Sapphire Radeon 9250, 256 mb, 4x. He keeps getting this error: "This device cannot find enough free recources that it can use. (Code 12) If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on...
  19. Jen McPherson

    Logitech Z-4 2.1 Speakers

    Thanks. ^^ I haven't noticed a thud coming from the woofer on the set I have, so I'm not sure. :| What do you think is causing it?
  20. Jen McPherson

    Steve Irwin dead

    My brother told me this morning and I honestly didn't believe him till I turned on the news. He was a passionate animal advocate, and I can honestly say one of the most flamboyant of all people to bring the animal world to the public, which made him... unique and entertaining to watch. Some...