Show off your desktop!


Partition Master
deviantART is a good place to get themes but I no longer use any as they take up resources and using the classic themes speeds things up nicely.


Partition Master


  • Picture 4.png
    Picture 4.png
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My Desktop Theme

Corrected,i just had the picture on last time,too early i guess,lol.


  • HPIM0560.jpg
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My Desktop

Hope this gets to were it should be,lol.Sorry its early!:eek:


  • HPIM0560.jpg
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Pressing the "Print Screen" key will capture the screen for you. Go into Paint (or other image editor) and Ctrl+V that sucker in and voila: screenshot, easily saved in a number of different formats.

deviantART is a good place to get themes but I no longer use any as they take up resources and using the classic themes speeds things up nicely.
Hey werty, I mentioned this on the previous page:
Psst.... Check out the Uxtheme Multi-patcher. Then find and apply .msstyle files manually. Free, looks great, and is much faster than WindowBlinds and/or other third-party items chewing on one's RAM.
I should also note I notice no slowdown compared to running just the classic theme (which is still a visual style, as I understand it). You sounded like you missed the themes so this is just a heads-up.
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W00T Battlefield2142 Glitches!!! (the surroundings have a bluish tint)


  • Clipboard01.jpg
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Partition Master
Cool looking game; Nice desktop!

W00T Battlefield2142 Glitches!!! (the surroundings have a bluish tint)

I'm not a gamer, per say, but the game looks cool and makes for a nice desktop! I was thinking of getting that very game for my Mac. How would you rate the game; is it worth it?

Since I'm here, here is a few desktops of my own.


  • Picture 1.png
    Picture 1.png
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  • Picture 2.png
    Picture 2.png
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  • Picture 5.jpg
    Picture 5.jpg
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I'm not a gamer, per say, but the game looks cool and makes for a nice desktop! I was thinking of getting that very game for my Mac. How would you rate the game; is it worth it?

Since I'm here, here is a few desktops of my own.

Yeah the games worth it, doesn't take that long to get to the highest rank playing a few hours a day but you need windows to run it. Oh and that middle background = drool.....:cool:


Soup Nazi
Here's mine after a bit of editing.


  • Desktop.jpg
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Partition Master

Yeah the games worth it, doesn't take that long to get to the highest rank playing a few hours a day but you need windows to run it. Oh and that middle background = drool.....:cool:

Thanks for the info KusoSamurai. As far as the game goes, I'm happy to say, that Macs do Windows too. I can run it natively, simply by running my copy of Window's XP Home on my Mac.

As far as my middle desktop goes, I have to admit, its those sexy big icons that really make the pic. Too bad that girl gets in the way! LOL :p

Same as Madmat's recent posting, nice chair; too bad that ugly girl is blocking most of it! :D


Partition Master
Oh Yes It Is!

It's not a dual-boot. Check here.

Sorry, even though Window expert, Scot Finnie, indeed talks about running Window's via VMWare or Parallels Desktop for Mac, Apple, itself, also provides a beta program for duel booting, called BOOT CAMP, which will be a standard feature in the up-coming release of the 64-bit, Hyper-Treaded, Leopard OS.

As a Mac user for the past ten-million years, eight-months, four-weeks, 5 days, six-hours, ten-minutes and thirty-five seconds, I can assure you it is a very real dual booting system. The only let down is that you have to reboot from OSX and vice-versa, which is not necessary when using Parallels or VMWare. :)

VMWare provides gaming support, Parallel doesn't, but promises to in the near future.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I decided to take a few minutes and make my theme not so ugly.


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