Xbox 360 Pics

Rob Williams

Staff member
Welp, I got up super early today (a whole 8am!!) to go pick up the system. They didn't have some peripherals I needed, but I will be going back to pick them up. Here are some pics for those who care. I'm _very_ impressed so far, and yes I am skeptical of everything. Even on my shotty TV it looks decent, and the games are very fun so far.

These pics are general and are in no specific order. I tried my hand online in NFS and end up first, beating cars better than mine. Needless to say, I got my ass out of there before that streak ended.

Check out that mammoth power supply! I will write an article in a few days to give more thoughts.


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Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member

You will hate me but I got mine this morning and then sold it for 1100 about 4 hours ago. My buddy did get his and another buddy has one now as well so help on a review will be no problem still. I couldn't turn down the instant profit. So far, I have played Perfect Dark and PGR3 and they both are incredable! If the demand wasnt so high, I would have kept mine. Oh well, I will still have another one by Christmas. The experience was worth it to wait in the frickin' cold and get it on launch day.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Also, mad props to you for still having your Dreamcast hooked up! I thought I was the only one left.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I refuse to unhook that baby! It's my favorite console ever.

You mean you got 1100 for what exactly? Just the system? Either way, great score. I could never sell mine.. it's amazing.

Edit: That's Word. from these forums in that picture as well.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I sitll play my Dreamcast quite a bit. I sold the console, an extra controller, Perfect Dark Zero and PGR3. All in one nice bundle. The demand is so freaking high right now. It's nuts.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Oh trust me, I know. Stupid me didn't pre-order Perfect Dark, so I have to wait a few days for it. Those people who overpay for systems are idiots.. have a little patience, lol. Or pre-order in the first place!

BTW, I'm e-mailing you, so heads up :p


The 3 60 does own ALOT, i am still amazed by the power and extreme graphics the console has. Xbox live was just unbeliveable, Me and Rob, were ranked Number 2 in the Black list for NFS MW. That's rank #2 in the world!!!! Ugh, just an insane system. Kudos to Microsoft for this one.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Rob, get on AIM or I will email you back when I hvae time here at work. Long story short, SBC was down last night and all of today (DSL) so I was unable to email you the two reviews. They will be to you tonight if the DSL is back up and going. If not, I will throw them on a CD and take them to my friends house or campus and email them to you that way.


Im loving the 360.

I dont have one yet (and probibly wont get one untill next year sometime),but my buddy Grant picked one up on launch day. And we played the hell out of PGR3. And with my help he set several world records in the time trial mode. They have probibly been broken by now...but its nice to know you have at least had one world record in your history.


The One, The Only...
Ive heard stories of some people having 2-3 360's on preorder/reserve and selling all but one of em for a killing.

Imagine the $800 profit x 2


Rob Williams

Staff member
I personally think the greed is rediculous. It especially hurts those who actually did pre-order but had it cancelled by the company, or were forced to wait to second shipment.

It's more rediculous that people are dying over these things. =/


Soup Nazi
I just want to say...if Word ever got dropped off out here in AR, he'd blend in with the locals perfectly.