Xbox 360 Controller For Windows - Question


I bought this wired controller a few days ago.I noticed that theres a light in the left above corner of the guide button and it glows all the time...but when I play some games like Spider-Man 3 or GTA IV and then turn them off the light turns off too...when I start a game again its starts glowing again.When i play some games like Kane & Lynch:Dead Men and then turn it off the light continues glowing.My question is...whats the normal condition of the light?Glow when i dont play games or no?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Hmm, that's interesting. I'm not sure if it matters in the grand scheme, but perhaps the latest drivers notice when a game is "designed" for use with the Xbox 360, and if so, the light turns on. I haven't used the controller on the PC for quite a while, but from what I recall, I never had the light turn on at all during use. I'll have to test that out again sometime soon though...

Welcome to the forums as well :)

Rob Williams

Staff member
Honestly, I don't remember that well, but I don't recall it lighting up. I might be thinking back to when I used it through Linux though (which I did far more than in Windows). If the light continues glowing after you leave the game, maybe the game is still lingering in the background, and is taking a while to shut down fully. Or, it could be that the game is supposed to send a command to the controller to tell it to shut its light off, but that one doesn't for some reason.

If the lights on, then that to me would mean that the PC thinks the controller is still in use. So it's probably something really simple, but I am not sure it's anything that you should concern yourself over, unless you try to play another game after it and the gamepad doesn't work at all.


So it's probably something really simple, but I am not sure it's anything that you should concern yourself over, unless you try to play another game after it and the gamepad doesn't work at all.

Nah...I don't really have such problems :) Thanks alot...I guess it really is somethin simple that i shouldnt mind.. =]