Wow, what's up with the price differences?

Rob Williams

Staff member
I usually buy everything from, a Canadian site, because, I'm Canadian. At any rate though, for fun I decided to go to Tiger Direct to see what the price differences were, because they are usually higher. Or when you need a specific core, Tiger Direct leaves you blind.

The ASUS P5ND2-SLi Motherboard: ($261.06CAN), compared to Tiger Direct ($172.99CAN)!

The Intel Pentium D 820: ($303CAN) compared to Tiger Direct ($255CAN)!

I still trust in for a lot of things, but I guess I just found out that Tiger Direct is the way to go for Motherboards and CPU's.. or at least Intel based. Just buying those two things from Tiger Direct saves me $136!

Why oh why are the prices for the same items SO different? They are both majorly popular online e-tailers in Canada :/


Maybe they have to many in stock so they sell them cheaper bro. Its alllllllllllllll about the selling in this world. :|


Newegg doesn't ship to cananda?

Actually, i just experienced this same phenememon....

The Opteron 146 is like $220-260 everywhere, and it's out of stock....

TankGuys has it on preorder for $160.

Freaking weird. So... needless to say, i think i'm jumping on it, and trying to take Greg with me.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Not a phenememon. I'm an idiot. That Tiger Direct site was the US version =/

NewEgg does not ship to Canada. I wouldn't buy from them anyway. Everytime I buy from the states I get charged hardcore duty.

Rob Williams

Staff member
It depends.. so much of a hassle for both of us really. Unless the product was not available in Canada at all.

I do like the look of the 802 / P5WD2 though. Seems like a solid combo, at just under $600 I can really complain.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Any idea what he was using for cooling to get that? I just want 4.0 out of the 820, and I'd be happy.


MMMmmmmmmmm.... vapochill...... I'm looking at the prices for used systems to play with the Optie next semester....


Maybe this has already been pointed out...and well, it WAS partly your own fault...but anyway.

I know that with some things, the reason why buying locally costs more, is becuase all of the taxes have been added to it as it came into the country. So your just paying general sales tax, not VAT, import, and all tht lot.

Where as if you order it overseas to save some bucks, you actually end up spending more becuase you have to pay all those import taxes when it gets shipped to you.

Of course you can circumvent this by having a friend stateside send it to you in wrapping paper as a gift through customs. ;)