Wow there are so many mobos...


Interested in stuff as usual, I am wondering how others' mobos are treating them.

Mine is just silly. On the review board, most love the eVGA SLI mobo I have, because, in essense, it does what any mobo should do: work stably. Besides that, there are claims of good overclocks. Well, they don't know what they're talking about, more so than I... The FSB is locked to 250, so my Patriot PC 4800 memory, even at amazingly generous timings and voltage, won't do it. The mobo forces me to work at 200 in the event that I set the FSB over 250. The BIOS doesn't have a HTT multiplier setting like the Genie BIOS, so I can't fiddle with that either. I was shocked when CPU-Z told me that I was running at 1.4Ghz (200 x 7), when I actually had it at 266 x 7, to see how the system works. At the BOIS screen, it tells me that it's going to run at 266 @ 1:1 ratio to the CPU clock. Now, it is either I am amazingly ignorant, or the board just won't give.

The layout of the board forces me to go SLI by buying another 7800GT if I wanted space for a chipset waterblock. When the 7800GT is in the designated 16X slot, the card sits right over the chipset fan, that which is quite noisy. That thing is quite incompetent, causing my system to be on the verge of a toasty death.

This thing definately works well for general use. But it blows nonetheless when it comes to going hardcore..

Rob Williams

Staff member
Well, I'm on my third DFI Ultra-D, I love it. If I stop killing them, that would be awesome. They overclock SO well, they give limitless options. I can't speak well enough of the board except that it's fussy with some memory.

I also have an eVGA nF4 SLi board on the shelf. It was taken out of the computer within an hour of having it in, because I hated it so much. However, apparently if you download the latest Jetart BIOS, it improves the motherboard greatly. I will have to try that some day.

As for the problems you have with your BIOS, I *think* that's fixed in the updated Jetart BIOS. I have no idea where you can get that, but Google should have it :D


Wow, an answer to my heathenly prayers already! I thought only courts answered prayers (and yes, courts do hear and answer prayers!! now that's something funny I learned in law school). Anyways, cool :cool:

I wonder what other fellahs have though... There are so many out there, but so far I haven't seen or spoken to people that have Jetway boards, ECS boards, and so on. But I guess these just get incorporated in budget systems put up for sale with some random memory and VGA.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I am currently using the same motherboard as Rob and I love it. They can be pencil modded from the Ultra-D chipset to the SLi chipset which is something to do at a later date. I have also used and worked with an Asus A8V Deluxe with my old 3500+ Winnie and it worked wonderfully but couldnt hang with most other boards for overclocking. It was stable as hell at lower overclocks but horrible at higher attemps. I would certainly try flashing your BIOS and seeing how that treats you. Best of luck with that. We are here to help whenever you might need it.


Haha, thanks..seems like I will be joing the DFI-party, once the Lanparty UT nForce 4 SLI Expert comes out, and once I have the time and spare change, I'll be going nuts over it, like when I had a DFI Lanparty nForce3 250Gb w/ Clawhammer 3000+. I don't think that CPU is sold anymore! wow

I couldn't find the bios, unfortunately. Oh well, at least I have an overall stable overclock regardless of the limitation. :)

Rob Williams

Staff member
It sucks you could not find that BIOS..

I have not actually seen it either, but I will ask the guy who told me and see if he has a location for it.


Tech Monkey
I, myself, am using an Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe, with a single 6600GT installed.

My wife is running on an Asus A8V-Deluxe, with a Sapphire x700 video card.

I am building a new system right now for another competition that will be using the ECS KN1 Extreme SLI solution, and I will be using the SLI on that bad momma!

Hardware spec on that creation will be appropriate for the theme that I am building it under.


Hahahh, i'll be the odd one out.

I run a NF7-S and a K7N2 Delta ILSR. Just recently moved from an AN7 and MSI KM2M.

I've liked all of them with the possible exception of the AN7.


I would have to truthfully say that, this ASrock & Opteron combo has been "THE" number one upgrade for me in my 23+ years of the computer world. I am hitting 3Ghz stable with this chipset @ 1.45v on the CPU core with the AMD stock HSF. There is also a vmod to reach 1.55v which I have not done yet. I imagine 3.2Ghz is not out of the realm with a good cooler like the "ArcticFreezer 64" at those volts. I can say I would highly recommend this motherboard to anyone with an AMD64 upgrade in mind.
Bobbythecat said:
Interested in stuff as usual, I am wondering how others' mobos are treating them.

Mine is just silly. On the review board, most love the eVGA SLI mobo I have, because, in essense, it does what any mobo should do: work stably. Besides that, there are claims of good overclocks. Well, they don't know what they're talking about, more so than I... The FSB is locked to 250, so my Patriot PC 4800 memory, even at amazingly generous timings and voltage, won't do it. The mobo forces me to work at 200 in the event that I set the FSB over 250. The BIOS doesn't have a HTT multiplier setting like the Genie BIOS, so I can't fiddle with that either. I was shocked when CPU-Z told me that I was running at 1.4Ghz (200 x 7), when I actually had it at 266 x 7, to see how the system works. At the BOIS screen, it tells me that it's going to run at 266 @ 1:1 ratio to the CPU clock. Now, it is either I am amazingly ignorant, or the board just won't give.

The layout of the board forces me to go SLI by buying another 7800GT if I wanted space for a chipset waterblock. When the 7800GT is in the designated 16X slot, the card sits right over the chipset fan, that which is quite noisy. That thing is quite incompetent, causing my system to be on the verge of a toasty death.

This thing definately works well for general use. But it blows nonetheless when it comes to going hardcore..

So many to choose form yes. Just don't go by color :) I knew a guy who bought Mobo's because he thought the color of the boards made a difference.... lol... Green, yellow, blue, black, white, grey, crap to many colors to list!


Partition Master
I have an Asus A8N-E rev2 board and it is very stable and OC's quite will but this board has a 1T bug which hasn't been fixed as of yet. Basically you with this bug you can't OC'd your memory past 240-250MHz @ 1T without getting errors, lock-ups, and anyother thing that makes your system hate you. OC'ing on this board is great too. My 3000+ can get form stock of 1.8GHz to 2.4GHz @ 1.4v fully stable. Plus the chipset fun is lower than most NF4 boards so you can have along vid card and still use a aftermarket chipset cooler like Zalman's NB47J fanless chipset cooler.


Tech Monkey
DFI UT LanParty NF4 Ultra (don't care about SLi.......:eek: ). The board has every option in the world for OC'ing. So you can get every bit of performance out of you system. The board is rock stable if setup correctly as are most boards, but they can get picky if not tuned just right.

Second system has a Abit AV8 S939 AGP board, all in all not a bad performer or OC'er (average I'd say). This system is my work system and I've never had any sort of problem with it, just plug and go.............:cool:


Partition Master
Talisman said:
Well...I'm with A8N-E as well. Running my old Winchester at 2.5...going really well.

Do you like the newest bios, 1011? Have you noticed if the 1T bug fixed? I heard bad things about that bios.


i am with Epox Board and it is very stable and working great.
had an Epox before and was working great for almost 3yrs when one of the capcitors exploded...