Would you buy a car from this woman?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Meet Audra Baltrukonyte. She's a 21-year-old Lithuanian model and student, who also happens to be a salesperson at MK SEAT in Milton Keynes. As the photo attests, Audra is a very pretty girl, and according to the PR folks at SEAT UK, she is an effective salesperson who frequently outperforms her compatriots at the dealership. Somehow, this does not surprise us.


Would you?


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Partition Master
Huh... my decision would probably have little to do with the sales person. Before buying expensive stuff (hell, even cheap stuff) I usually do some research before hand and most likely make my decision before even putting a foot in the store/dealer.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Of course. It wasn't a serious question :p

I don't think many of us live around where they sell SEAT cars regardless.


Partition Master
Haha, true true. But still in that pic she doesn't look that hot anyways. It's probably just a bad pic. :p


Soup Nazi
In the face she looks very young, so, no I would take a pass. I'd rather buy a car from someone older and more mature. Not that I'm ageist but I'm in a different demographic than she is age wise and I'd rather deal with someone that understood my needs and concerns by being in the same age group that I am.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Haha, true true. But still in that pic she doesn't look that hot anyways. It's probably just a bad pic. :p

Haha... It's Lithuania for christ's sake, take what you can get. I wasn't even aware that the population at large had enough money to purchase cars.