Wondering what you use your thumb drives for?


What do you use your thumb drive for. Only for school work? Let us know in this thread. Lets hear some interesting uses that you get out of your thumb drive.


I just use it for moving documents back and forth between home and college lab. Faster then using a floppy to do the same thing. Not really that important to me. Its faster way to transfer files, and thats the only advantage.


Before I got my laptop, I used it for all my school data and personal data. Now that I have a laptop, I use it far less. Usually, just to transfer files between computers.

Cool Barn

SqueekyClean said:
Lets hear some interesting uses that you get out of your thumb drive.
You mean other than for portable data storage???

I like to hitch-hike using mine; it saves me going to all the trouble of sticking my thumb into the air. I just stick up the the thumb drive instead. I also like to grip my drive like a pistol and hold up banks with it. Lastly I'll use it as a weapon to throw at salespeople or peacocks who walk into my front yard.


My thumb drive is for transferring between my laptop and desktop PC.

A lot easier then having to hook up cables between the laptop and desktop PC when you need to transfer files. Swapping thumb drives is quick.

Anyone remember an old program called Laplink? That use to be the only way to transfer files between a laptop and desktop. Nowadays if you got a decent size thumb drive, you can transfer everything you need in one quick swap.


SqueekyClean said:
What do you use your thumb drive for. Only for school work? Let us know in this thread. Lets hear some interesting uses that you get out of your thumb drive.

I use mine for backup. Been working on writing a novel for a couple years. If I lost all that work, I would just die. I stick my thumbdrive on a keychain, and carry my novel with me at all times. Nobody is going to get it, unless it is over my dead body......


Rob Williams said:
I have two. Important documents and programs on one, porn on the other.

Trying to keep the porn hidden from your wife or girl friend by sticking it on a thumb drive and keeping it off the local machine? That would be a *unique* way of using a thumb drive.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I use mine to transport my Techgage review and editorials between home and my work PC. That and I store some music so I can listen at work untill I get a desk setup for the old iPod.

Thumb Drives FTW!


I don't own a mp3 player, so I often use a thumb drive to carry music on my laptop. My laptop is old, it is a 486 processor, and doesn't have a big hard drive. Using the thumb drive to carry my music to my laptop from my desktop PC works wonders. I listen to the music thru the headphone port on the laptop.