Windows Woes


I recently reinstalled windows XP home and everything seemed to go well. But I have noticed an annoying problem. I cant right click the taskbar buttons and get the menu for minimize, maximize, alt-f4 to close. I also have to click the buttons like three or four times to get a window to reopen otherwise they just flash like its wanting my attention. Its not a big deal just annoying.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I'd consider that a big deal. I guess all I can recommend is to do your adware scans (Ad-Aware, SpyBot) and do a virus scan. Usually when things like this happen, it's because of spyware or a trojan.

Oh, and if you use Internet Explorer.. stop.


not real sure what I did, but once I closed out all of the IE windows then reopened them, it went away. I changed a couple of settings so I couldnt really tell you which one did it. But all is good again with my system. Thanks Rob for the idea, decided to do a scan anyway.


The One, The Only...
Dont listen to rob... Windows > than linux... (and candy canes grow on trees)

Have you checked your drivers by chance? (Updated since the reinstall)


The One, The Only...
DAMN! and i would have gotten away with it two if it hadnt beed for that word. and rob's unmatched admin powers.


thanks guys for the laughs...and again I think i made a change and needed to shut down all browsers to get it to take effect. I have tried to use mozilla before, but it our clan website was displayed properly with it so I dropped it. I may try it again one day just not anytime soon.

As far as using a MAC goes, when they stop being proprietary SOBs and you are able to update a system the way you can a PC I might look at them. That and the price of a system and my ignorance of what a comparable system is.