It damn well should be a next gen console...but oh...what could have been.
Its "next-gen" becuase it is the "next generation of Nintendo Consoles", and becuase it was released in the same launch window as the 360, and the PS3 (well, more the PS3, but you understand what i mean).
To me being a next generation console, means pushing the envelope of what has become acceptable to the average gamer in terms of graphics quality, and total imersivness into the game play experience. Obviously you cant get much more imersive with the Wii in teh gameplay department...but it falls flat in the graphics, sound, and technicle department.
Its alsmost as though the hardware developers where so proud of their controler design, and so dead set on finding cool ways to use its unique design, that they forgot at the last minute that they actually needed hardware to play it on. And slapped together what they knew, instead of forcing themselves to go forward with the next step of technology (kinda sounds like the cartridge debockle of the N64 all over again, except this time, the inferior hardware appropriately costs less).
Yes, the Wii is fun, ye it has sold well, yes it will get its fair share of use in the party style multiplayer, and non-gamer groups. But i dont think, thats almost entirely for its lack of graphical power, that we will see people camped out at stroes days in advance for a Wii game, like we will no doubt see with Halo 3.
I think with all of that taken into account, perhaps the best thing to call the Wii, is a half generation system...or better yet, an "Alternative-Generation" system. Becuase it offers a new style of gameplay, with a sharp lean tword the retro gamer, and the noobie alike. Its the console you go to when you dont want to play your 360 or PS3 anymore, and want to get your girlfirned to play a game of tennis with you, instead of bitch about how awkeard the controler is.
My one hope for the Wii, is that with teh current generation of gaming being what it is, that the Wii sparks a revolution on more dedicated gameplay, rahter then, as was said in your top 5 article, rediculas tech demos with more HDR lighting then story line.
ANd yes, i will probibly buy one.