From our front-page news:
Why don't we see more Mac games? Heck, Linux games? Of course we are talking about commercial games here, such as Half-Life 2. According to reports, Apple once met up with Valve regarding releasing the game for Mac OS X, but Valve demands $1 million up front before they will sit down and get to coding. Who's to blame them, though? Development costs money, and if the players aren't there, then it's an unwise business decision. Of course, what's stopping Steve Jobs from giving up three-hours worth of his pay to potentially increase the Apple fan base by a large margin? Oh well, at least their's Boot Camp.
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That said, Apple's lack of focus on gaming remains a fundamental weak spot in their consumer strategy (let's not even talk Apple gaming consoles), but we're hopeful that as companies continue to adopt new technologies like Cider, Mac users will at least be able to enjoy smash hits like Half-Life 2 (if nothing else). Ah well, thank Freeman for Boot Camp.
Source: Joystiq
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That said, Apple's lack of focus on gaming remains a fundamental weak spot in their consumer strategy (let's not even talk Apple gaming consoles), but we're hopeful that as companies continue to adopt new technologies like Cider, Mac users will at least be able to enjoy smash hits like Half-Life 2 (if nothing else). Ah well, thank Freeman for Boot Camp.
Source: Joystiq