These are the seeds sewn by the late Ted Rogers. The CRTC's concept of the net is based on his concept provided to them 15 years ago as a way to expand his cable business [Roger's Cable was planning expansion into data transfer ten years earlier.]
He, through political connections and massive donations, particularly to the then ruling Liberal Party of Canada, was not only able to establish a nice semi-regulated multi-monopoly on cable TV.
15 years ago he was able to establish the internet as comparative to cable, non-essential "entertainment". The result is that ISP's are considered like Cable TV providers and so long as there is the appearance ocompetition they will inevitably get their way.
But don't expect that to change without court challenges. The political level is struggling to deal with crime and corruption [with the primary aim of protecting movie and recoding companies profits] And even if you did get enough politicians to agree, they are at the mercy of the snively ervants within the CRTC.
and while the CRTC holds that position, even Revenue Canada recognizes internet as a legitimate business expense.