When did computer building start?


I'm doing a demonstrative speech on building computers, and I was curious about when companies sold parts (mobos, cpus etc) to be built by the end user?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Not sure if this will help, but there is a small article at the Wikipedia:


If you don't need an absolutely specific answer, I think it's safe to say the "eighties". I am really not sure computer parts were so common in the late 70's that many were building PCs, although it might depend on how you define a computer.


The Tech Wizard
The first computers had IBM cards with holes punched into them, each hole told the computer what to do.
I took a course in the late 60's, So it depends on what you call a computer.
Then they came out with kits to build, like HAM radio ( of what we now think a computers are )
To upgrade a computer then, was to change a module from your build.
So, I guess we always have been building and upgrading computers.

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Soup Nazi
Are you asking about PC's? In '79 I met a cat whose dad had built a PC from a tandy mobo with dual 5.25" drives and an internal HDD. It ran some OS of some sort but I dunno what it was. It was the first exposure to the PC hobby I'd ever had. I didn't become an enthusiast until 2000. So anything before '79 and that transpired prior to my own PC I have no clue. I've gleaned a bit from older magazines and I know that the first computers were built in WW2. They were slower than using a calculator but sadly, calculators didn't exist.


The Tech Wizard
One must ask... was Merlin's first PC one that accepted IBM punch cards?

My first one was a Commodor64 ( if you can call it a computer )
I had a Hayes modem 1200 baud on Compuserve ( which AOL bought, later )
Not much to surf around to, just bulletin boards on dial up.

The good ole days


Rob Williams

Staff member
I agree... nice link. That thing would actually be really cool to have as a collector's item.