Vista Home Premium 64 RAID5 Problems

Krazy K

Partition Master
I can't get Windows to shut down and then load again. I've had problems with the BOOTMGR.sys and WINLOAD.exe which is related to the boot manager. I am currently on the 5th install and during windows update, which might be the root of the problem, it asks for a restart and then goes right into the BSOD and restarts on its own. I have tried without running update but it seems to sneak them in and I can't go forever without internet. They are new drives and the memory is testing good.

Components are below in the sig.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Are you using the failsale BIOS defaults? Does this problem occur with only a single drive and no RAID? I assume the system is already at stock... what did you test the memory with, and for how long? Temperatures on everything reading okay?

Krazy K

Partition Master
BIOS is in safe.
Haven't tried Vista with a single drive.
No OC.
Memory test good.
Temperatures nominal.

I did another couple installs and I got an error for NVRD64.sys and then found a nvidia forum that explains that version 995 of my nForce SATA drivers is bad and I have to upgrade to 998. It can be found here, and downloaded here.
I'm trying to get in there long enough to get those downloaded and installed.
Going to install media shield as well, not sure to what extent that will have. I guess it can be any worse.
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Techgage Staff
Staff member
NVIDIA chipsets have had numerous issues in the past with SATA drives, so that would not surprise me in the least.

If you still have no luck, change to using one of the JMicron controlled SATA ports instead of the chipset controlled ones. If that actually works, you'll know that NVIDIA's chipset was to blame. ;)

Krazy K

Partition Master
NVIDIA chipsets have had numerous issues in the past with SATA drives, so that would not surprise me in the least.

If you still have no luck, change to using one of the JMicron controlled SATA ports instead of the chipset controlled ones. If that actually works, you'll know that NVIDIA's chipset was to blame. ;)

I would need an external card for that right? I seem to have misplaced my manual in my binge, oh well.

I got a hold of ASUS and they said return to vendor or RMA. There's nothing wrong with the board other than the nvidia issue at hand. The more I read into this problem the more complex it becomes. I never had these issues with XP so I think it's the Vista architecture that really sinks that nail in the coffin. I guess what I have to do is deal with the BSODs and NEVER allow update to get the new nvidia drivers.

Or I could get a different board without nvidia controllers. I guess that's another piece to complete the puzzle.