The One, The Only...
Ever have your mps player in and all of a sudden it drops the usb connection? Or your external harddrive just all of a sudden randomly disconnects just to reconnect nopt even a .10 of a sec later?
HOW THE HELL DO YOU DEAL WITH IT? my new mp3 payer is effin awsome... but it keeps dropping the connection, i even know when its about to do it because it wont load in winamp. WTF? My external HDD will even do it sparatically on some laptops and computers while connected. How the #$%& do i fix this?
HOW THE HELL DO YOU DEAL WITH IT? my new mp3 payer is effin awsome... but it keeps dropping the connection, i even know when its about to do it because it wont load in winamp. WTF? My external HDD will even do it sparatically on some laptops and computers while connected. How the #$%& do i fix this?