Ultimate Mac Setup?

Rob Williams

Staff member


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Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I think this thread could appropriately be titled "Ultimate Any Computer Setup" Thats just a nice looking PC area. The only haggle I have with it is the two smaller monitors on the sides of the larger middle one. With the center set to it's highest resolution, the other two obviously will not be able to work at that. I know this because I have the same setup at my desk with a Dell 24" in the middle and a pair of 19" LCDs on the side. For example, my middle is set to 1920x1200 while the side monitors are at 12x10. The 24" is obviously taller than the 19"s so the extra pixels at the bottom are effectively "hanging" off of the entire three screen display. This isn't a problem until I go to drag something from the middle screen to either of the side screens and I hit a wall unless I get up above the 1024 resolution of the side monitors.

Regardless, I love the overall feel of the desk in the picture.

Rob Williams

Staff member
It's not an ultimate PC setup if everything is Mac-based. Hence, Ultimate Mac Setup. I agree though, the desk is great. Very stylish.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I know. I was only commenting on the fact that it would be a nice setup on any desk.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I think you need helps. I was going to call this the "Ultimate PC Setup" but then someone would call me out for not mentioning that they are all Macs. I need to get that LED binary clock though, it's pimp.


Partition Master
You knew this was coming....

I think you need helps. I was going to call this the "Ultimate PC Setup" but then someone would call me out for not mentioning that they are all Macs. I need to get that LED binary clock though, it's pimp.

Of course its the ultimate computer setup... after all you can run Linux, OS X and Windows, etc, all at the same time! Try doing that on any other system and you will be in for a big disappointment.

If you want to be able to run the most apps, games, etc. you can't get another system to compare. Dell can't do it, Lenova, HP, Gateway or any home-bulit system, and thats the fact!

Just add Leopard and your the king of the hill!

Rob Williams

Staff member
Of course its the ultimate computer setup... after all you can run Linux, OS X and Windows, etc, all at the same time! Try doing that on any other system and you will be in for a big disappointment.

If you want to be able to run the most apps, games, etc. you can't get another system to compare. Dell can't do it, Lenova, HP, Gateway or any home-bulit system, and thats the fact!

Just add Leopard and your the king of the hill!

Let's not forget that Apples won't run the top of the line graphics cards. So even though an Apple will run Windows, you can't expect to play games in it's high-resolution glory :)

That said, it's sad that the new MacBook Pros have better GPUs than you can even get in the Mac Pro.


Partition Master
Ah, but let's not forget.....

Let's not forget that Apples won't run the top of the line graphics cards. So even though an Apple will run Windows, you can't expect to play games in it's high-resolution glory :)

That said, it's sad that the new MacBook Pros have better GPUs than you can even get in the Mac Pro.

Let's not forget, to remember, not to forget, that the Mac Pro will take any graphic card that you can throw at it. I can go to PC Warehouse, EggHead, etc. and buy the same components at the same prices as anybody else and simply 'pop' them in the Mac Pro.

Bare Facts, as you posted the other day, says that the optional top-of-the-line graphic card that Apple ships will blow just about anything out of the water. Nividia 8800, etc. will do nicely in a Mac Pro just as well in it as any other hardware. :O) :)

Rob Williams

Staff member
Where do you get the appropriate drivers for the 8800GTX on a Mac Pro? Does it just use the FreeBSD driver?


Partition Master
Wow... only on a Mac...

Where do you get the appropriate drivers for the 8800GTX on a Mac Pro? Does it just use the FreeBSD driver?

EA and John Carmack unveil games done in Core 2 Annimation that can only run on Leopard. All other left out!



Partition Master
The Answer...

That completely didn't answer the question :p

The answer is that Steve says the ATI and Nividia will provide all necessary drivers, if not now, very, very soon!

I"m just stoked over what's happening now at WWDC. What Apple does today, everybody else copies tomorow!

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
What Apple does today, everybody else copies tomorow!

So we can expect Microsoft to announce any day now that they are switching over to Power PC CPUs? No, wait, Apple was the one that switched to x86. My bad.

Seriously, its high time the Mac got something more than 3 year old technology. It's good for all the Mac users.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Haha, Windows on Power PC.

Yes, the EA thing is big news. C&C 3, BF 2142, NFS: Carbon among others are coming to be Mac, which is a huge win for Apple fans. iD looks like they are amping up support as well. I still don't understand why EA couldn't bring those same games to Linux, but whatever.


Partition Master
Reason is simple....

Haha, Windows on Power PC.

Yes, the EA thing is big news. C&C 3, BF 2142, NFS: Carbon among others are coming to be Mac, which is a huge win for Apple fans. iD looks like they are amping up support as well. I still don't understand why EA couldn't bring those same games to Linux, but whatever.

The reason is quite simple: CORE ANIMATION 2! With Core 2 you can move around a room, pick up a book from a bookshelf, open and read every one of its 300 pages (photos incl,) etc. That's only the beginning! The room in the Harry Potter demo had over 20-gigabytes of info that was instantly available and usable to Core 2 users!

Core Animation 2 is a Mac ONLY thing, that makes game developing, etc. easy and extremely powerful and unique among other OS's! Those games will be available to Window users, but not with the same degree of cool graphics that are only available with Core 2. I don't think Apple will be making it available to Vista users.

Another reason EA is doing games for the Mac is that there is 60-million plus users, second only to Window's and growing faster than any other OS.

Business's run on facts, and the facts are that OS X is now at a point it can't be ignored by the business community.

Also, having a fully 64-bit system means that even though most programs in OS's are 32-bit, having Leopard means that if you do have a new program that needs 64-bit, you can run it natively without the need to log out of your 32-bit system, inorder to boot-up a 64-bit OS to just run one measly program!

With OS X Leopard you also get Windows Xp, Vista; Linux Sabayon, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Novell, etc. thrown in for nothing! From the 'ooohs, ahhs and wows, coming from the mouths of the developers at the WWDC, a third of which are new Window developers, I can't wait to see what some of the other 300 new aspects of Leopard will be?

It's a good time to be a MAC USER!
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Rob Williams

Staff member
What does Core Animation have to do with games? It's a new technology that enables cool things in the OS, it has nothing to do with the games themselves as far as I know. Desktop technologies are not going to suddenly make the games run. Both BF 2142 and NFS: Carbon emulate fine through Linux, so I think it's just the fact that EA is lazy, or doesn't care.

I do agree with the 64-Bit aspect. That's one place where Windows went wrong in my opinion, but it's also the reason that Windows is still the dominant OS... because people don't want to pay $700 - $1000 for a lackluster machine.

It is a good time to be a Mac user, but there is still a long way to go. Any GPU will work in the Mac Pro, but that doesn't wipe out the fact that the base machine is $2,500. If Parallels works as good as it appears to, then it might be the ultimate all-in-one machine.


Partition Master
Core 2 applies to....

What does Core Animation have to do with games? It's a new technology that enables cool things in the OS, it has nothing to do with the games themselves as far as I know. Desktop technologies are not going to suddenly make the games run. Both BF 2142 and NFS: Carbon emulate fine through Linux, so I think it's just the fact that EA is lazy, or doesn't care.

I do agree with the 64-Bit aspect. That's one place where Windows went wrong in my opinion, but it's also the reason that Windows is still the dominant OS... because people don't want to pay $700 - $1000 for a lackluster machine.

It is a good time to be a Mac user, but there is still a long way to go. Any GPU will work in the Mac Pro, but that doesn't wipe out the fact that the base machine is $2,500. If Parallels works as good as it appears to, then it might be the ultimate all-in-one machine.

Actually, Core 2 Animation can apply to ANY software period! The recent games demoed at WWDC were built-with Core 2, the very first games demoed built on Core 2.

Core 2 is quite revolutionary from the comments that I read on a Windows developers site. I believe it was called, www.aeroexperience.com, but I could be wrong.

Any way, Core 2 Animation is only one of the cool new features of Leopard. Steve Jobs didn't talk about ZDF?

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Can we perhaps call it something other than Core 2? For Christ's sake, every time I read your propaganda (yeah, I went there), I can't help but confuse it with Intel's latest and greatest, which by the way, can now run Apple. Assuming you hadn't heard yet.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Core 2 Animation? I don't think I understand at all. What's Core Animation have to do with Core 2? As far as I know, Intel's Core 2 has nothing to do with this new Core Animation technology. Besides, there are more Core 2 CPU's in the PC world than the Mac world, so that's not much of an excuse.

No mention of ZFS at all, which was odd. I guess he figured people simply wouldn't care? Granted, it's a developers conference, so people -should- care.


Partition Master
What Core 2 is..

Core 2 Animation? I don't think I understand at all. What's Core Animation have to do with Core 2? As far as I know, Intel's Core 2 has nothing to do with this new Core Animation technology. Besides, there are more Core 2 CPU's in the PC world than the Mac world, so that's not much of an excuse.

No mention of ZFS at all, which was odd. I guess he figured people simply wouldn't care? Granted, it's a developers conference, so people -should- care.

Core 2 Animation has nothing to do with the processor. Core Animation came out with Tiger. Core 2 Animation is simply the second version on steroids.

Core Animation and Core 2 are only for developers. What it does is allow developers to build extremely powerful graphics with barely any work or effort or use of computer resources.

For example, as you may know, both Vista and OS X can run virtual desktops. These include running water falls, birds flying, etc. The problem with these are obvious.... they are resource hogs!

In Leopard, not only can you have a virtual desktop, but you can have one that updates automatically. For example, a beach desktop will show the sun coming up and as the day progresses, the sun moves across the sky in real time; night time, the stars pop out! What's exciting about doing it in Core 2 Animation is not only is it quick and easy, but it takes up less than 44k or resources or memory!

Core 2 Animation is a very BIG thing that people will only begin to grasp as developers use it to create apps that were simply not possible before because of the complexities and resources needed.