Over all, I really like this latest version of Ubuntu. It's different, which makes it all the more intriguing. It's not perfect mind you, but then again I have yet to come across anyone OS that is.
I'm writing this post, of course, using this very version. I like the overall look and feel; it's snappy and certainly a great looking looking OS, but whether or not I would go as far to say that it's faster than Windows, or as pretty as OS X, that I'm not too sure?
I've yet to come across one distro of Linux that simply 'just works' as well as either Windows or OS X, but Ubuntu at least seems to be inching its way there.
I'll probably write about it tomorrow on my own little 'practice' blog, but in the meantime, I nonetheless find that I keep coming back to this version a lot more than I ever did with previous versions of Linux, including Ubuntu.
I suppose the fact that I keep coming back to use it is a sign that Ubuntu is on to something. Now, if only I were a Linux expert like Rob I might actually be prepared to use it as my main OS, but sadly, unlike Windows or OS X, I find that simply trying to get Flash or Google Earth to work properly is a lot more work sometimes than I care to get into.
Of course, to be honest, that might not be the OS's fault, but could always be simply because I'm either too lazy or just plain too damn stupid as well; I really just don't know?