I'll probably check out 10.10 at some point. However, I've had a lot of bad luck with Ubuntu. I find Canonical pushes packages into the repositories before they're ready and in some cases when still broken.
I began experiencing extremely frequent Xorg lockups after upgrading to 8.10 Intrepid Ibex. Within 10 mins or so of startup, the entire GUI would lock up. I discovered I could SSH into the system (HP Pavilion dv6500 intel gma965), but after weeks of experimentation gave up trying to resolve the problem.
It turned out there was an issue with the intel xorg driver that rendered the OS practically useless to anyone using an intel graphics chipset. I turned Compiz on and off, rewrote my xorg file, recompiled the xserver-xorg-video-intel package myself, even recompiled the kernel.
The issue turned out to be beyond my experience, so I hoped for a fix. 9.04 came without a fix, and so did 9.10.
By 10.04's release, the issue seemed to have been resolved, but I had long before given up on the distro.
I'm sorry for being so negative. Ubuntu has a lot of great features, and I feel it could be a great system. But the gpu corruption is just one example of many serious issues I experienced personally.
After 9.10, I went to Gentoo, which I liked a lot, but I eventually settled on Arch Linux. I use both Windows 7 and Arch in a dual-boot configuration since I like to use Linux for development and tinkering and Windows for gaming. Basically, I switch back and forth whenever I feel like it!