Ben said:
Fox shouldn't have fired him because all its doing is bringing bad PR.
I disagree. Imagine the flack that Fox would be facing had they NOT fired him. It's
their movie, so if they just let it slide, they'd essentially be saying that it's fine to download it pre-release, and who knows, maybe they'd feel the same about all of their other movies. Obviously that's not the case. It's never been legal to download a pirated movie, and people have been charged for it before (and music), so what makes it right for this reviewer to join the fray and download it as well and review it? Downloading movies isn't something too many people brag about, and for good reason.
I couldn't imagine working for a company who creates movies and then review one of their films that got leaked early. What in the world did he EXPECT to happen? He might find it hard to get another similar job... I'm not sure who's going to want to hire someone who knowingly pirates movies. It's not good PR.
Plus, what's the point of reviewing a half-finished film to begin with? The only thing he was trying to accomplish was to be the first on the web with a critique, but it sure bit him in the ass, didn't it?
If only NDA's in the tech industry were taken so seriously ;-)