The Ups the Downs... It's Gamestop!


The One, The Only...
I will start by using what will hopefully be my only explicative in this post... but i doubt it.

**** Gamestop!

Well, maybe not entirely. I have made some friends with the people who worked there over the years in this town, a place that has adopted me sort of over the last 3 years.

The good: Some of the people who work there know their product.

Seriously. Gamers all want to work there to some extent. Unfortunately they seem to have a practice of not hiring exclusively gamers, and they do not seem to be to into the idea of hiring a wide range of genre players. Sometimes you will go in for a year and find nothing but madden fanbois and sometimes all you will find are the rpg'ers. Both have their positives and minuses... but when they hire someone who doesn't know dick shit about their own product things can get ugly. Today was one of those days.

The Bad: They are basically a lease to own place, just without the contracts and over time paying. They make some bank off of the previously owned stuff, and rightly so. Who really minds though? They get money, and you get games a discount on occasion. Limited prints may also very well be in and on the used shelves, this is a good thing.

The Ugly: Gamestop has become, for the most part, a mindless being trying to meet is bottom line at all costs. This means that they wish to keep as few people on staff as possible, give as little discount on anything they can, push their own products, and give up some on the customer care.

Now don't get me wrong, the guy at my local game stop ROX!11!! The problem with this statement is that he recently got promoted, and he no longer works at my local Gamestop. So what am I left with?

I wanted to buy a copy of the all in one copy of the current FFXI. (I am getting in a lil late on this) So I called up my local game stop and was surprised to hear a woman answer the phone. I asked her if she had a copy of the current FFXI release and after a few moments of silence she asked "FFXI?" to which i replied "yes." She then proceeded to tell me that it did not come out until Dec 4th...

Lets review shall we? FFXI is not coming out until Dec 4th. ... ... ... ...

She's a ****ing idiot I think to myself, but nonetheless I mention to her that it has been out for quite some time. She then tells me "I am sorry but that is what our system says"

-You remember earlier when i mentioned that gamestop occasionally hires people who simply do not know what they are talking about, and that they are caring less about customer care?-

I then tell her specifically which expansion I am looking for and she once again apologizes and says that she cannot help me. I asked for my "guy" and she tells me that he is not there.

... So i bitched to rob for a few in irc... Then went up there and picked out the game from the shelf, then showed it to her. Both the guy (not my guy) and her looked at me like I was being an asshole. A customer then proceeded to tell me that it was not her fault and asked me "why if you knew that the game was out did i call up here to see if they had it???"

So to review again: gamestop was full of ****ing idiots today (save me on days when I appear enlightened like today), and the game that was not supposed to be out until dec 4th was miraculously on the shelf, and I am now viewed by 2 employees up there as an asshole.

I was then informed that gamestop's website had a search feature that let me search every gamestop's inventory within 250 miles and that next time I should look up something there instead of calling.

I then bought my game and left.

Questions? Comments? Similar Exp? (exp = experience. Figured I'd mention that for any Gamestop employee reading this.)

-stork out... And hopefully enjoying my new game.
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Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I would have went to the next closest place, bought the game, returned to Gamestop and explained to them that the store you just came from has a store policy to not hire retards. Then I would call corporate.

Seriously, call corporate and raise some shit. If you whine loud enough, they -might- do something about it. Just explain to them that because of their ignorance, as well as rudeness to you, a customer, you took your business, and ultimately your money to another store.

Rob Williams

Staff member
While I do understand the confusion (FFXI -does- have an expansion pack due in Winter 07, which is what the chick saw on the screen), I think it's absolutely ridiculous that an employee of a game store doesn't know anything about one of the most popular MMORPGs on the market (4 million subscribers). Best Buys and Futureshops are the same way, though. They hire people who have no idea what they are talking about, just because they will put up with their crap pay and not complain about it.

Luckily, my Gamestop (Electronics Boutique) that I go to is quite good. There's a girl there that's not that knowledgeable about games as the guys are, but she's always been good help. I have noticed a steady decline in the people who work there, though. In ~2002, I found -everyone- at my local EB to have a passion for games. You could go there and chat to them about what's coming up and they'd actually have a clue. Now, not so much (despite them still being good to deal with).

Maybe the company changed, who knows. All of the people I used to enjoy dealing with at those stores are now gone, so that might say something.

Hope you are enjoying FFXI. I could never get into it... I hated the graphics, control scheme and battle system, but overall it looks like it could be a fun experience if you can overlook it's clunkiness. My friend has a max level Paladin there, and also has numerous other high-level classes. We talk about the game sometimes and usually when finished, I have a huge craving to run out and purchase the game ;-)


The One, The Only...
One hint as to how to enjoy this game on a PC...

Get a gamepad.

The game is designed to behave like a console RPG. Console RPGs use a controller of some sort. Using one on the PC is relatively easy to set up.

Get a gamepad!

The graphics would be considered great for ps2 levels.

Rob Williams

Staff member
I have been told numerous times to just get a gamepad... but this is an MMORPG... there are people to chat to. I don't want to have to bother setting down the gamepad every other minute to type out a message. For offline RPGs, it's sensible, but not for an MMOG.


The One, The Only...
For this... it really isn't that bad.

You hardly communicate while in a party from what i experienced tonight so it isnt like you have to constantly do it. By default every alpha numeric key begins a chat entry anyhow.

Besides... with the way you enter battle commands being the same as all the other FF games would you really want to use the arrow keys and enter?

No, you'd want a d-pad and a button.

If you get something along the lines of a logitech dual action you can literally play the thing about like you would FFXII. It is a fun game thus far.


It does play a lot better with a Gamepad... and my brief experience with the trial taught me that most people just use the language-barrier breaking emotes instead of speak to one another, anyway. Which turned me off entirely.

Gamestop managers used to have a lot more latitude in who they hired, and while many will still hire regular customers over walk-in applicants, the higher ups from the EBGames deal have put some massive stress on them in hiring. I won't go too much into it, but they're under orders to diversify their pool, and no, that doesn't mean more RPGers if your store is FPS/Madden dominated.


The One, The Only...
Maybe you played on a mostly international or foreign server?

I play on garuda, and for the most part the only times we use the shortcuts are when we -know- we are playing with someone from another country, or we find it easier to find something on the shortcut then to guess it's spelling.

I would say that this town is mainly comprised of the FPS/RPG crowd. The ones who buy madden generally get it from walmart or the like. (As a former football player in college here... yeah I know where they get it from.)

Bottom line... the FF series is the highest selling video game series of all time. I base this on the fact that most of the top spots are held by a FF game. (with the exception of maybe Pokemon and a Mario game.)

So why are they selling to madden and fps fans? Regardless of where you are (except maybe south carolina?) why hire people who are ignorant to their product?