The State of DirectX 10 - Image Quality & Performance

Rob Williams

Staff member
From our front-page news:
Windows Vista has been out since January, but I've still seen no reason to make the shift to Windows Vista. Granted, I am not a major gamer, and I admit it, but no DX10 titles have seemed to deliver the goods to warrant a Vista installation. Our friends at HotHardware have taken such ponders into consideration and delivered a comprehensive look at the top current DX10 games and compare both image quality and performance to their DX9 counter-parts.

I've made no attempt to hide the fact that I dislike Windows Vista, but I do admit that it might be both Crysis and Unreal Tournament III that will coax me into installing the <strike>stable, reliable and fast</strike> OS. Those games are coming along amazingly...

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In this HotHardware article, we showcase many of the most popular DX10-capable games, like Bioshock, World In Conflict, Call of Juarez, Lost Planet, and Company of Heroes, and feature current image quality comparisons versus DX9 modes with each. The article also details the associated performance levels across many of the more popular graphics cards, from both the mid-range and high-end. After digesting all of the data, you be the judge. Are we there yet?

Source: HotHardware


Tech Monkey
So far, the Crysis beta is the only game making me happy I jumped. I am using Vista Premium 64 bit upgrade. It is a major pain to successfully install the upgrade version cleanly, but once installed it works fine. Driver support is good too.