The next big game?

Rob Williams

Staff member
Well, now that we have Quake IV and FEAR out of the way.. what is the next big game you are looking forward to?

I personally can't wait for UT2007, but that's still almost a year off. Of course, there are console games I am looking forward to, but that's another story.


The One, The Only...
Wild Arms A:F

Wild Arms Alter Code: f

The original wild arms is one of if not the top rpg's ever in my opinion. I'm waiting quite impatiently for this one since they have moved back the release for it several times now. In fact the stores reported release date was 10/18 but on 10/18 their release dates mysteriously changed to 11/??...

If they havent changed the gameplay too dramatically then I am going to enjoy this game :)


Well, in the near future:

Soul Calibur 3
Need For Speed: Most Wanted.

After that, yeah, mostly Killzone for PS3, and UT2k7

Rob Williams

Staff member
Need for Speed has been getting bad press speculation.. so I hope it's a lot better than they give it credit for. I've beaten and loved every single NFS to date, so they can't screw it up now.

SCIII was on this months PSM demo disc, tres magnifique!


The One, The Only...
Mark my words... teh next big game will be one that takes a very simplistic old school game style with little to no "NEW" innovations and makes the graphics and music score something to be rmembered.


Rob Williams

Staff member
We certainly don't need another Doom. Doom III did extremely little for me; I couldn't even force myself through the entire game.

Quake IV is a lot better in my opinion, but I'm still waiting for the next Unreal Tournament.


The One, The Only...
It being a red intense game with dark lighting... I hated every doom since the original.

Not to mention how many times can you really rework a games graphics and reproduce it charging more and more each time? *cough*sportsgames*cough*


You all just can't see the game..... but you have been living it since you where born. Period.


Just came out yesterday, And its freaking awesome! Hope you all like it as much as i do.


Being a Tactical FPS fan I am waiting with baited(sp) breathe for Rainbow 6:4 Lockdown for the PC. No one else out there has really been able to make a game that plays the way R6 has and I love the sneak and peek game play as opposed to the "eun n gun" style of other FPS.


The One, The Only...
I kinda like that as well... I just about never run outta ammo in Halo single player because in know what im shooting and where it is.