The "Monster HDMI Difference" scam still alive and strong

Rob Williams

Staff member
Remember that story we posted way back in 2007 that exposed a retailer that compared Monster HDMI to the competitors HDMI (which was really Composite)? Well, it looks like that scam is still alive and kicking. This time, it's at Fry's Electronics, and it's the exact same scam. Once again, the TV's are identical, but if you look behind the one with the competitors HDMI, you'll see that it's actually a Composite connection... a connection that no one would ever run HD content through to begin with.

I gotta say, this scam is just incredible to me, and I can't believe people fall for it. Composite for one thing, is horrible, and outdated. I used Composite to hook up my Super Nintendo. It would be impossible for someone to not differentiate a Composite connection from an HDMI, so it's surprising that people fall for it at all. A more realistic comparison would be Component to HDMI, because in my experience, Component doesn't exhibit the same rich colors or clarity with high-definition content (though maybe my experiences are not typical).

Either way, I have no idea how companies continue to get away with this.


The Tech Wizard
There has always been the hype about HDMI 1.0 .
I get customers that have to have a High Definition converter box with HDMI connections ( some store sold them the idea and souild the customer HDMI cable for 120.00 USD ) when the componant cables look just the same and Comcast provides the componant cables at NO cost.
I conducted a test on my own plasma, componant and HDMI and saw No diff

Rob Williams

Staff member
I conducted a test on my own plasma, componant and HDMI and saw No diff

Alright, things might be different on HDTV's then. I don't have a good HDTV, but I have a decent computer monitor which accepts both. I can say that both the Xbox 360 and PS3 look better with HDMI, but that might have to do more with the monitor itself.