The many uses of Dell


Tech Monkey
SqueekyClean said:
Which type of RAM was it? Dell does not use standard memory sticks?

Let us not forget the RamBUS debacle. It is *quite* possible that the Dell in question was running RIMM's, and as such, *that* would explain the price differential.

I had a friend that was upgrading his girlfriend's Dell, and it was a bit older... and it used RIMM's instead of DIMM's... very frustrating to find memory for it, and then when we did.... it's price was WAY out of line for the quantity being purchased.

RamBUS pissed me off something fierce. I am glad to see it gone from the desktop in it's original form.


phonywish said:
RIMM's were a lot faster then DIMM's were'nt they? Didn't Apple also use those in their computers?

If they were better then they would still be in use. DIMMS are an improvement over RamBUS.

Jen McPherson

Resident Artist Nerd

Its not the problems with the PC's as much as it is customer support, which everyone I know who owns a Dell has had trouble with. Dells are relatively easy to upgrade, but older ones they are expensive, especially if they run on RDRAM like mine. Shop around for dual sticks and it gets pretty pricey. Also, the towers they have are not well ventilated, at least not the one that I have, with only the rear grate.

As I said, I own two Dells. ^^ I don't hate them, but I'd sure like to kick mine on occasion.


DarkSynergy said:
That was awesome. I too am surprised that they allowed him to go on as long as he did. At least the audience got a charge out of the call.

Actually Dark, I saw that video live on Jimmy Kimmel....that's where it's from. I believe the good crew at the Kimmel show dubbed in the caller's side of the conversation. Still funny though.