The Game that DLC Built

Rob Williams

Staff member
As I have made clear through various news posts and articles throughout the years, I am not that big a fan of DLC. More often than not, downloadable content feels like little more than a money-grub by the developer or publisher - offering gamers things that feel like they should have been in the game from the get-go. Pre-order DLC is even nuttier, giving some gamers special content just because the game was purchased at a particular retailer.

<embed src="" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed>​

Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!


No ROM battery
ROFL. I pissed my pants!

I'm not big on DLCs. Hate the concept, but generally speaking rarely have I seen the point anyways. Except perhaps with Borderlands. I think those where great DLCs. The rare exception that should never be used to confirm that DLCs are great.


Tech Monkey
I said this shit was going to happen when the Horse Armor DLC came out. I'm sick of content being cut to make you pay a little more for it, imo they are acting no different than snake oil sales men. Funny vid though.


Techgage Staff
Staff member
So freaking true. I truly hate it when it is obvious the DLC was created at the same time the game itself was being developed... they haven't even finished the game yet and they already are working on the DLC? Typically the game quality shows it, too.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Borderlands is the rare example to this as you pointed out and is one reason why I'm a Gearbox cheerleader.