Oh, man these are like my top two favorite franchises ever!
When I saw the title of this thread, for a moment there I thought I had started it and forgot about it.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Final Fantasy VIII are two games that I will always remember as two of the best games ever made!
PS. Yes, that's FF 8! Not 7! Sure, FF7 is awesome, it's my 2nd favorite FF, but to me FF8 is the King of the FFs.
"-Die Monster! You don't belong in this world!
-It was not by my hand that I was once again given flesh! I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute!
-Tribute!? You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!
-Perhaps the same could be said of all religions!
-Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!
-What is a man!? But a miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"
Flash back did ya?