
The One, The Only...
My comp has crashed twice tonight while playing warcraft 3 of all things...

I put my hand over a fan and it was a lil hot after the first crash. After the second It was even warmer. I looked at the temp settings and after 2 min to cool off before i rebooted it, it was still at 48 on the pwr mgmt. WTF? and this thing is supposed to run cool. the chip set was also a lil high.

Ive got 80 everywhere on my case. One on the front two on the side one on the blow hole and one in the rear. My case is a clear plastic. Anyone have some cheap cooling ideas for me that work well?


Partition Master
Go to a Target, buy yourself a table top fan made by Honeywell. It's about 10" but it pushes a LOT of air. Place that in front of your case and let it blow. It's about 15 bucks, and it's a little noisy. But it works in desperate situations. I bought it because it's always friggin hot in my apartment. Just out of curiosity I placed it in front of my case, and it dropped all around temps about 9-12c. But then again, my case's front bezel is entirely mesh like allowing for very good air flow.

My main question is, was your computer running that hot before?


Soup Nazi
Remember when you were setting the fan directions? Remember all those screwy directions you put them in (against my advice) and remember how I said you'd end up in trouble for it? Baahahahahahahahahahaha! Maybe next time you'll listen!


Soup Nazi
Ok, good to hear. How are they blowing now? Just outline it like this: Front: (Direction), Side: (Direction), Top blowhole: (Direction), Rear: (Direction).

Just replace the (Direction) with out or in and I'll give you ideas to help. That case has a couple of issues with respect to thermal management, first is the use of 80mm fans, second is the material. Plexi is a great insulator so the heat isn't escaping via radiation, just by convection. Thirdly is the fact it has 3 intake fans with 2 exhausts. You want to balance the airflow and more intake CFM's than exhaust tends to hurt things.

You might also consider getting canned air and blowing out the HSF's on the CPU and GPU's.

I hope you know I was teasing earlier....;)


Soup Nazi
Put the bottom side fan as in and the top side fan as out. This will help to make sure that there's no dead air around the GPU which can lead to locking up or freezing.


Also make sure the side fan isn't blowing across the gpu fan - it's like sticking your head out of a car window and being unable to breathe
fixed a few of those by just unpluging the fan