Super Talent memory sticks

Rob Williams

Staff member
The Inq has some shots of what ST had available at Computex, and I have to say they are freaking ugly. However, they have swivel caps, instead of caps you can take off. Of four thumb drives I have had, all four don't wear the cap. After using them so often, the caps don't even want to stay on.

Great idea though.


Soup Nazi
A couple look like the mini-kart with a swivel lid. Nice concept but that leaves the sides open so in a pocket you can still end up with junk getting jammed in there.

Rob Williams

Staff member
That's also true. Maybe that should invent a removable cap that you need to lock into place once it's on. It would be a pain compared to now, but at least you will keep the cap.


Soup Nazi
I'd like to get my hands on the swivel cap ST sticks to see for myself just how much better the lids protect the tang end. True, anything is better than no cap but if it ends up stuffing pocket lint and grit up against the contacts and holding it there then it could end up being just as bad as no cap.


Hey I sold a few of those to friends a while back.... Of course they weren't ST but they were some random make no one has heard of. The caps looked normal, but you lifted them up a few mm then swilled it round so the cap was on the other end of the stick then you pushed it in again. This solved any problems great as it was a proper cap but also swilled out of the way.

I must get a picture of one of them.