Steam - Estimated Revenue of $1 Billion in 2010


Senior Editor
Staff member
Here's some interesting numbers to mull over; Valve's digital distribution arm, Steam, was estimated to bring in just shy of $1 billion in revenue during 2010. Steam officially doesn't release sales figures, so these can be taken with a pinch of salt, but the numbers are impressive non-the-less. Total revenue of around $970 million is quite a feat.


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Senior Editor
Staff member
Indeed, I spent a fair bit of money on the Christmas Steam sale... something like £120 on 45 games, still haven't even downloaded and played half of them so far...


Tech Junkie
OMG! Dawn of War II: Retribution pre order baby!!! Wohoo!!
man i am psyched bout the DOW II: Retribution having 6 playable races in the campaign, all with their own stories! :D

Bring on the Waaaaaaaagghh!!


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Portal II is already up on the store, not quite listed for preorder yet though...

Frankly I bet their revenue is even higher. Much, much higher, if TF2 is any indication at all of what to go by. And given so many games tie in their multiplayer matchmaking system into Steam Friend's list service, I'm sure that also requires licensing costs too...