SilverStone FP53 HDD Cooler

Rob Williams

Staff member
While trying to think up ways to keep your computer cool, hard drives are sometimes overlooked entirely, but it shouldn't be. We are taking a look at the Silverstone FP53 HDD cooler. Let's take a look to see if it makes any substantial difference to the temps!


After reading the review here, feel free to discuss it here! Questions and comments are welcomed!


The One, The Only...
Definatly important!

My stock HD was called a Fireball ????? and it was properly named so. COme to find out when I replaced it it had been recalled for a tendancy of over heating and literally smoking from a slight electrical fire... (luckily i never had that problem)

Cooling your HD can be very important.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Reupload your avatar :p

Well, in that case, the HDD's were faulty to begin with. Even an HDD cooler may have not helped that. But for the most part.. the cooler the components are.. they better they run.

Fireballs were horrible.. I had one of those die on me 3 months after I bought it.


The One, The Only...
I dont have a copy of the avatar on the computer I've been using but when i get back to school it's near the top of my todo list.

Mine always ran fine one month out of the blue it seemed to want to create alot of errors on itself. Never heated up or died on me once...