Should you wait for Quad Core?

Rob Williams

Staff member
I believe that these architectural features will allow Kentsfield to succeed in the short term against both the 4x4 platform and AMD's own quad-core architecture when it arrives later in the year. By that time though, I would hope that Intel's architects were well on their way to completing a native quad-core version of Conroe with all four cores sharing the same cache.

I was reading Tims column over at Bit-Tech, and he made some real good points. I guess I keep forgetting -just- how far into the year we are, because the end of the year is only 5 months away... which is when we should be seeing Quad Core from Intel.

He mentions that Quad Core will also have various improvements, smart memory access and smart cache, which should prove to make it the CPU to own, even if you don't -need- Quad Core.

What do you guys think?

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Well, I am excited to see what it has to offer but I would still like to play around with Conroe dual cores first. It will be interested to see the benches on them.


The One, The Only...
OCnsidering that the average Pc user doesnt need a dual core... what does this acomplish? Seriously.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
Not really. I am sure that quad core will have it advantages. I will more than likely get one when they launch and I have a really small e-penis...


The One, The Only...
DarkSynergy said:
I have a really small e-penis...

um... ok...

Applications like? How about you tax one processor with actually doing physics calculations... There's an idea. 0.o a crazy one.

Curiously, some games are becoming alot more dependent upon server supplied information. The only thing that would make those games run smoother is a faster internet connection. We've got cable mainstreamed, whats next?


Partition Master
I'm JUST getting into dual core. Since the Conroe came out, AMD's Opteron line has also dropped in price.