Should Microsoft Ban Gamers for Using Offensive Emblems on Xbox Live?

Rob Williams

Staff member
To remain an active member of Xbox Live, you must adhere to the ground rules laid out by Microsoft. One of the more important ones concerns being respectful to other members, and if you are equipping your avatar with offensive emblems, such as a swastika, you might not only find yourself booted off of the game you're playing, but banned from Xbox Live entirely.

Read the rest of our post and discuss it here!


Tech Monkey
The short answer is hell yes. The long answer is it depends, swastikas and the like for sure ban those people. Religious symbols, I say probably shouldn't be allowed by principle. Banned for having one? No, M$ should remove it and warn the account with a message and mark the account. If they put it back up suspend and after that the 3rd time BANHAMMER!!!! Since if after 2 warnings saying you will be banned they either want to be banned or just don't care.
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Senior Editor
Staff member
Can't ban religious symbols without insuring the wrath that is the legal team on religious discriminatory charges. Also, many of these same symbols are used in game iconography anyway... vampires and crosses, Ankhs, Celtic crosses, pagan stars, etc . Can't be held to a double standard...


Tech Monkey
Why not? People can chose to or not to buy a game based on the game content, if they find a symbol offensive (which in most cases is utter crap but whatever) they cant choose to not play with people who have it on their profiles. Its not a double standard since with the profile stuff people have no choice, games they can say "Oh Noez a cross!!!" and not buy it. Also it wouldn't really be discrimination if no religious symbols are allowed. There is no reason they couldn't say that in their profile vs a picture which some may find offensive (really?).


Senior Editor
Staff member
By banning all religious symbols they are being discriminatory against religion vs. people with no belief, while not necessarily illegal, it could provoke a very negative reaction and possibly challenged in court. People have a right (free speech etc) to express their beliefs. I can't say for certain how it would pan out, schools here in the UK have tried to ban religious items such as Christian chastity rings on the count of them being jewellery, which is banned by school policy, but since the ring is a sign of belief, it was taken to court as discrimination against Christianity (religion) and the girl inevitably won since the school indirectly banned religious expression.

The act of banning offensive imagery is an act of company policy, much like banning nudity (Age ratings excluded). For the most part, when people buy and play the game, they agree to follow the terms and conditions, if such imagery is banned in the terms and they do not agree with it, they (the person) withhold the right to not continue with the service. Additionally, in the terms, it will probably state something about user uploaded content which may or may not contain offensive imagery and you can not hold the company responsible for your perceived offence. If you choose to ignore the the company's policy, the company withholds the right to terminate the service provided to you. Simple as that. The company can do what they like as long as it follows Law... preventing people from expressing their beliefs is a fine line, even through imagery.

Bottom line, they can do what they like, if people don't like it, their choice, they can leave.


Tech Monkey
and yet you can play Nazi Zombies and there are flags with swastikas all over the freaking place, and every zombie has a swastika armband. Right.


Tech Monkey
Ah but your killing them, which is fun, I am sure if it was a swastika and said - Nazi Zombie Killer no one would care. Just the swastika could be taken offensively.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
If you want to play then hell yes, they should be allowed.

I'm all preserving gamer's rights when it comes to companies stomping on the people who pay their salaries but it has been my experience that about 90% of the time the person, not the company is the one being a douche bag.


Senior Editor
Staff member
If you want to play then hell yes, they should be allowed.

I'm all preserving gamer's rights when it comes to companies stomping on the people who pay their salaries but it has been my experience that about 90% of the time the person, not the company is the one being a douche bag.

That is indeed true... trolls and flame baiters... why do they have to ruin someone's day? because they can.... *sigh*