Scanner Printer


The One, The Only...
I'm looking to buy a color printer/scanner... The problem? I know nothing about them. Absolutly nothing about them.

So my /r/ (request) is that someone tell me exactly what the specifications mean for one of them.

To aide in this I am going to link to a newegg product. Defining each of its stats would be a big help.

Thanks in advance -stork91

P.s. if any of you have any recomendations for one I'd appreciate a link.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
To me, a printer is a printer is a printer. You send the job and it -should- print out. I know I sound jaded and I am. Printers are the bane of my exsistence. However, from the specs that are on that one, it looks to be a winner, if you are wanting to use everything that it offers. The printer speed (ppm) is quick and the copier resolution is good as well.

Then again, I dont like printers so maybe someone that enjoys them might be more help. If I were to buy one, just from looking at the one you are considering, I would think about this one. It actually does look good.

The only thing that would make it better would be an internal NIC.


The One, The Only...
The main purpose of this thing will be its scanning function as I will still use my school printer whenever possible.


The Tech Wizard
I'm looking to buy a color printer/scanner... The problem? I know nothing about them. Absolutly nothing about them.

So my /r/ (request) is that someone tell me exactly what the specifications mean for one of them.

To aide in this I am going to link to a newegg product. Defining each of its stats would be a big help.

Thanks in advance -stork91

P.s. if any of you have any recomendations for one I'd appreciate a link.

Scanner Printers are really dropping in prices here lately ....I got the Epson scanner/Printer for about the same price as the Cannon.
They use hords of ink and the ink tanks come in seperate colors so you don't waste a combo cartridge that still has plenty of ink in one color.
The Epson also prints dirctly on Cd's or DVD's so no more flappy paper getting separated inside your optical drive:eek:
Also the ink will not wash off when it gets wet.

Looks like a good deal with the Cannon



The One, The Only...
I purposefully did not want to resize...

That is the unedited, full sized scan. It is important to note that.