Razer Krait MMO/RTS Gaming Mouse

Rob Williams

Staff member
We are taking a look at Razer’s new Krait mouse aimed specifically at gamers who focus on real time strategy and massive multiplayer online games. Their approach is a simple one. Gamers who play RTSs and MMOGs don’t need a ton of buttons, just a set few.

After reading Greg's review, why not chat about it?


I agree completely with what Greg said...what exactly does this mouse do? Whats it for? Is there a need for an MMO/RPG mouse? Of course not.

I think what happened here is that they had this brain storm to develop a cunsumer level mouse, to compete with the like of generic Logitech, and MS mice. They made it a little smaller then teh Copperhead for the average computer user (which includes small handed women), and with less confusing "special" buttons to get in teh way of the general end user (again, namely women [no offence Jenn ;) much love] ). Then went to the board of directors with teh idea and said "WOW! LOOK WHAT WE DID! its a consumer mouse that every gamer will want their mom to have becuase they respect the Razer name." and the board said "WTF IS THIS TRIPE??!! We build gaming mice, not people mice! Dear god... all that money, all that research....gone.....We have to recover from this...we have to make this a defacto gaming mouse so that people wont think we've sold out and gone soft! Ok guys, ideas, ideas....Whats hot?" THe janitor in the back room says "I hear World of Warcraft is a preaty popular game with the kids these days." And the head director says "SEE!!! THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! THE AMERICAN DREAM! Manuel here represents a REAL gamer, he has a pulse on teh world of gaming nirvana that surrouds us here! What the hell do i pay you lot for?! Certaintly not becuase you look preaty...but what the hell, not like i can fire you. So, World of Warcraft, eh? Thats it, heres what we will do, we will create a NEW market for mice...the MMO/RPG/RTS/acronym supreme mouse, and we will show that we still have a gaming backbone." And of course everyone in teh board meeting, including Manuel, started to dance and cheer the new idea, and its greatness. But all was not fun and games, becuase before the dancing stopped, the entire R&D department was fired on the spot for not making a real gaming mouse. And subsiquently Manuel was promoted to lead designer, who is now helping Razer make a new elite designed extreme gaming keyboard vacuming device. It'll be hot, just you wait and see.

So, back to reality. This thing wont sell for squat. At that price point Logitech preaty much owns the market. And what Logitech doesnt get, MS does. You cant sell a boutque branded item, at a department store level, and expect it to do well. Becuase people will question its authentisity, and definately its quality. And honestly, if some of the old Razer quality gremlins are still there (i havent touched a razer for long enough to know), id honestly rather have the Logitech or the MS mouse over it for daily use.

This is kind of like MS making a natural wave KB in brown, and calling it the Oblivion/WoW/RPG Ergonomic natural Key Board for extended playing periods, and trying to sell it along side their standard ones. No one will care.

Im sure the mouse is more then deserving of tis 7/10 rating. But honestly, in 6 months will anyone other then Razers share holders care about this mouse? I think not.
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Rob Williams

Staff member
I agree. I don't understand what makes this mouse more suited for RTS and MMO games. I know for a fact whenever I play MMO games, I use the three primary buttons.. none on the side. Could be just me though.

Either way, the Copperhead would be better suited for games in general, regardless of the genre.

What's next? Microsoft Word mouse? Circle drawing mouse? TV remote mouse?


Soup Nazi
Eh, I dunno, I think it'll appeal to the RTS gaming crowd that dabbles in the FPS genre but not enough to warrant buying a button laden mouse for it. Now instead of buying a Logitech or M$ mouse they have the option of another big name mouse that's a bit more streamlined. Not to mention the nicety of being able to switch resolutions on the fly which some mice don't offer and lefty support.

I know many southpaws that don't mouse with their left hands due to their mice being only for right handers. This gives them another option now.


No doubt. It definately is a decent mouse. And it certaintly is another alternative, albeit in an already crowded market sector. But, i think they would have had a much better job of just calling it a basic mouse, instead of adding some amber LED's and branding it as a "MMO/RTS Gaming Mouse". I mean its almsot an insult to their own products. As if to say, its not really good enough to work with a shooter, but its a decent mouse, which makes it good enough if you like slow games with alot of repetitive clicking.

I just dont understand why they are so keen on keeping the "gaming mouse" theme going, that it ends up making them look a bit silly.

I dont think anyone would really be to upset with Razer if they just said "hey, heres a mouse, its got some nice features, and its more then adiquate for gaming".
But attempting to brand it as gaming specificto attempt to ride teh WoW wave, well...thats reaching a bit.

But, all said, its still a good mouse. No denying that.

Greg King

I just kinda show up...
Staff member
I agree boys.

At the end of the day, its a good mouse. But just a mouse. It's an everyday three button mouse with a crazy high DPI.


Back from teh dead...

Sorry to pull up an old thread.
But i felt it was appropriate. Obviously there was alot of head scratching about the Krait, and the fact that it was really just a regular mouse with a high DPI.

Well, today, Razer may have answered the question as to why the Krait was deve,oped in teh first place, and what their original intention for it was...

Swooning Microsoft into believing in their products.


Could this mark the return of the Sidwinder? Or does this just mean more widespread distrobution of Razer products? Either way its kind of a win/win for both parties involved.