Problem with video files....


So I'm having a bit of a problem with video files on my comp right now, and I can't find a solution anywhere so I'm wondering if anyone here can help.

Whenever I play a video on my comp, no matter what player I use, itunes, media player classic, quicktime, window media player, etc, no matter what file type it is, I get audio and a black screen, sometimes the video will be black with a few of the images highlighted in a crimson red tint, it just started doing this recently.

The other thing is it only happens on my monitor, when I switch over to my TV the videos play just fine. anyone know what the problem is?


Tech Monkey
The connection to the tv and the one to the monitor use different cables right? if so start there and try a new cable. That's all I can think of right now.


The connection to the tv and the one to the monitor use different cables right? if so start there and try a new cable. That's all I can think of right now.

Yes, ones an HDMI the others DVI, but I didn't think that something like that would only effect, flash, and videos viewed from the web are all fine also....I guess I'll try to dig out monitor doesn't use RGB....S-video cable from somewhere....where ever I might have put it last.....


Senior Editor
Staff member
Are the colour bit-depths set differently, e.g. is the Monitor set to 16-bit and the TV 32-bit colour? Sometimes one of them gets changed after a crash or something from the graphics card, just double check. I'll look into other culprits...


Techgage Staff
Staff member
Does this occur if you use ? VLC uses only it's built in audio/video codecs and I've seen it work on systems that were suffering from codec soup or using codecs that weren't configured properly.

If that doesn't work, try using a different port for your computer monitor.. HDMI if it has it, VGA, etc.


Ok, I found what the problem was, my card was set to NVIDIA settings instead of video player settings and I hadn't realized it....
Thanks for all the help though.

...didn't notice because all the options on the Nvidia control panel weren't visible yet apparently.....