PC Gaming isn't dead....again.


Senior Editor
Staff member
From the article...
"The Wii U is the only new console system on the horizon and Nintendo has never had a major focus on online games," said DFC analyst David Cole. "More importantly the short lifecycle and fragmented nature of console hardware can make it hard for companies to try creative new business models."

What is he talking about? Fragmented nature of consoles? There are 3 consoles and 2 or 3 handhelds. Sure, there are various SKUs, but they are just minor revisions and bigger hard drives - it's the same console. And short lifecycle? Since when was 7-10 years classified as 'short'.

What about all the smartphones and mobile apps... are they consoles too?

The WiiU is the only new console on the market atm... but this is predictions for 2016. The PS Vita is coming out at the end of the year. I'm sure MS and Sony have something up their sleeves too... But yes... Nintendo are not known for Online play, but things can change rather quickly, so we'll see. The Wii was about social play, as a group in front of the TV - not always about coach potatoes connected online - thats what made it popular.

It's on about online games through the PC... not PC gaming generally. But anyway - after reading a lot of 'analyst' reports over the years... I take them all with a pinch of salt, they very rarely prove to be accurate.
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Tech Monkey
It's on about online games through the PC... not PC gaming generally. But anyway - after reading a lot of 'analyst' reports over the years... I take them all with a pinch of salt, they very rarely prove to be accurate.

Agreed, the one analyst who is more wrong than most weather people is Patch he even has his own show on Gametrailers.com sadly. I wish that guy would just find another line of work and that's putting it nicely.

The other points you make about it being 5 years off and every thing with Sony and M$ defiantly going to have something by then is short sighted to say the least. The PC online market though I do think is fairly accurate especially when you consider tablets could be considered apart of that statistic. It's going to be a long 5 years and I think in 2 but 3 at the most we will hear about a new console from Sony and M$, more then likely trying to push DX11 type features and about 1.2 to 1.5 gb of ram and 768 video mem just to push those features to the 1080p max, cause right now it's all 720p at DX9 features they will need a good jump in memory to make DX11 happen.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
I think you'll see more than a few people strongly reconsider PC gaming when they see what Battlefield 3 looks and plays like. Crazy graphics, full sized maps and 64-player multi-player mode...

Yes, I'm on a BF3 soap box but it's nice to see a developer catering to our group for a change instead of creating a console game and throwing the rest of us a bone as an after thought.

PC gaming isn't dead. It's just evolved somewhat.


No ROM battery
The "PC gamming is dead" meme was obviously invented by those with the latest console and a not enough good computer at home. Being that those computers can't run the latest and the best, console games will no doubt look better and more modern. It was also invented by those that, having both a good console and a good computer at home, just happened to like some console game(s) better and don't realize that has nothing to do with it.

The "PC gamming is dead" debate is however entirely different. It's used to fill space in news sites, and to self-entitle bloggers. And gives everyone the impression they are really discussing something.