OnLive Game Console Announced


Senior Editor
Staff member
Cloud based gaming, not up there with the faries but a large collection of servers offering up interactive games over the internet with minimal local processing. OnLive has been stirring up quite a bit of interest over the last couple years with an interesting take on playing games. Instead of buying $1000 of computer parts every 2 years to play the latest PC games, how about using a cheap $400 PC you built 3 years ago to play the latest PC games in High Definition... over the internet? Better yet, how about playing them on a console, a netbook, or even a mobile phone? This is what OnLive wants to achieve and has made great strides to do it.
You can read the rest of our post and discuss here.


Tech Junkie
nothing can replace a home built PC, but this can come in handy for ppl like me who dont want to buy consoles but would like to try out a few games of the PS3 or X360!


Senior Editor
Staff member
ok, now THAT'S cool. If this takes off, guarantee I'll be getting it...only if you can use keyboard and mouse with it :p

I forgot to mention that.... that's what the 2 USB slots are for on the front... Keyboard and mouse, so you're set :D.
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Basket Chassis
Staff member
Awesome! I'm glad they took that into account.

We have console gamers here at work and all of the PC gamers (myself included) make fun of them having to aim with a stick. It's so bad in fact that we are thinking of conducting a test - get one of the biggest loud mouth console guys who is God's gift to Black Ops to connect his controller to a PC, log into a PC server and see just how bad ass he is.

Rob Williams

Staff member
This is never meant to replace a PC for PC gamers, but be a solution for console gamers who want PC games. I don't see it taking off to be honest. Everyone I know who's tested it out said it was never that fluid (slight lag), so that kind of kills of for me. It's a cool idea, but perhaps better for the future if bandwidth limits cease to exist and latencies improve for people all around.