OCZ EL DDR PC-4000 1024MB Gold Edition Dual Channel (2GB)

Rob Williams

Staff member
Being the hardcore gamers that we are, the need for more than 1GB of memory is becoming evident. Last year, 512MB didn't cut it, especially when playing top games like Half-Life 2 and Doom III. Now, current and upcoming top games are demanding more than 1GB, like BF2 and FEAR. Today, we are taking a look at a 2GB kit that is designed specifically for gamers.


After checking out the full review here, feel free to comment here! Questions are also quite welcome, especially if I forgot to mention something in the review.


In your article you mentioned that its not very easy to find 1GB memory sticks to run at CL2. (Perhaps you meant in the 4000 range) but the 2 GB OCZ setup I have is 2-3-2-5 Timings and it runs them just fine. I popped them into my comp and everything auto-setup. Now it runs everything. I must agree with you, out of all the memory I have ever used (I build computers) OCZ is one of the best. Good review, I may have to pick up some 4000 and OC'd the hell out of my dual-core lol.

Running BF2 and fear Great.

AMD 4600+
2 GB dual channel OCZ 3200
Asus A8N-E Nforce 4 Ultra
2x 74GB Raptors in RAID 0


Rob Williams

Staff member
Woops, thanks for the correction! Yes, I meant at those speeds, and I edited the review to reflect that. No matter how many times I proofread, I always miss something :)

And man, that's a kick ass computer you have :D


You're saying they're not the best OCers. What would you recommend in the 2GB range?
I've got a couple sticks of 512XMS3500 that I'm looking to replace. I'm running an Asus A8N-SLI with a 3200+@ 2655Mhz (295HTT).
My ram is currently running at a poor 380Mhz but in CAS2-2-2-6 1T.
I've been thinking about boosting that up a bit but again I don't really care all that much (couple FPS here and there isn't gonna kill me considering how fast the system is right now...) I just feel I need the added DDR.

Any advice on where to look?

PS: excellent review!!