NZXT Avatar Gaming Mouse

Rob Williams

Staff member
In the world of gaming mice, there are a few names that we see often, such as Logitech and Razer. But, a new entrant is here, and they're hoping to make a splash with their first-ever gaming peripheral. The Avatar from NZXT has both the style and design we're looking for, so let's see if it lives up to the rest of our expectations.

You can read the full review here and discuss it here!


I like the design of this mouse- too bad about the software, but as for the weight- I really do think that there's nothing wrong with a light mouse -the associated illusion of cheapness is just a hang-up that we have. I don't think there's an advantage to having a heavier mouse, and in fact, I would think that lighter is better. I just bought a G9 (upgraded from teh G5) and I didn't bother with putting weights in it. Now that I've gotten used to it, I am happier with the lighter mouse. I wish they hadn't bothered with the weights and shaved 10 bucks off the price.