NVIDIA Posts Duke Nukem Forever Launch Party Video

Rob Williams

Staff member
To help launch Duke Nukem Forever in style, NVIDIA held an event appropriately called "Happy Endings" at the Palladium Ballroom in Dallas, TX last week. There, both Gearbox and a sponsored PC mod were present, and to show those who weren't there what they missed, NVIDIA has just posted a video to its YouTube page.

Read the rest of our post and then discuss it here!


Basket Chassis
Staff member
I know that this is about Duke but I have an unhealthy obsession with Moxxi. We need to get your brother on and rip up those levels. The guys I play with think they suck so no Moxxi love for me.

Rob Williams

Staff member
Yeah, we'll need to do that soon, if I can manage to convince him. He hates that DLC, and I can understand the reasoning behind it. Still, it's a change of pace, and fun. And I have four skill credits in total to earn from them (playthrough one and two), so I'd actually like to get them.

The same goes for the Circle of Duty quests... haven't made it too far with those either.


Tech Monkey
Moxxi......sorry what were you guys talking about? Oh right borderlands. I need to play that again, it's been too long since I last played. I have to say Knoxx was the best DLC I think.

I think the launch party for Duke may have been the best thing about Duke Nukem Forever. Now it is time to finish that mofo.


Basket Chassis
Staff member
Maybe we'll have to get a TG Borderlands game going. Voice over Steam works well enough.

Anyway, how about that Duke?


Tech Monkey
Maybe we'll have to get a TG Borderlands game going. Voice over Steam works well enough.

Anyway, how about that Duke?

Hell yeah that would be fun! Just choose a time, date and promise we can dupe some of our good inventory then count me in.

I like Dolby Axon it's free and voice quality is top notch, just as good as a phone call with out taking up much of your bandwidth. They also take advantage of your 5.1 surround sound and 2d virtual surround environment, fun to move around the room and make people think your running around. There are permanent rooms you can setup that are free as well so TG could have a permanent presence on there for whatever. (c:

Duke is fine, just feels like a grind now. I know I am near the end and I am going to want to put this on the finished list so it will be finished today, one way or another.